The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students.

Chapter 25 The Path of the Great

Chapter 25 The Path of the Great
Aran is also a dark elf, and he is much calmer than Brelina. During this special period, the civil war in Skyrim Province affects everyone's fate. Against the coercion and threats of foreign forces, A Ran made the college an academic pure land away from war with a firm attitude.

As such, he is a respected head mage.

"You are an impressive young man." This is the first time Aran and Linde have such an interview. As the leader of the academy, he does not have the airs of a politician. He is a very approachable superior. "There is more than one mage these days. Praise you to me. They think that your magical attainments are close to being a master. Speaking of which, when are you going to pursue the path of a master?"

"I'm not ready yet."

"Young man, I am sure that you have the knowledge and level to overcome any challenge. Life is a great adventure, and it will not keep you prepared. Of course, you are still young, and it is difficult for you to spend a few years in the academy. It's not a luxury."

Aran's scarlet eyes stared at the statue of Shalidor in the middle of the courtyard, and he remembered something.

Linde knows the story of Aran. When he was young, he and his classmates explored the ruins of the ancient lost city. In the ruins of the holy land of the Dragon Cult, he encountered the revived Lich Moloi. They were invincible. In the end, At the cost of sacrificing his classmates, Aran sets a powerful seal to trap the dragon priest Moloki.He ran for his life alone, and the incident has been a haunting nightmare ever since.

Such a man who suffers from adventure, such a man who pursues a policy of conservative neutrality, persuades young people to take risks.

"I don't pursue fame, and I don't have much desire. I just want to prepare as much as possible before something terrible happens, so that when a real crisis comes, I can't do anything. At that time, all my regrets will become Weak hypocrisy."

Linde is well aware of the imminent disaster that Skyrim Province is about to face. The World Eater who returned from the exiled torrent of time, the revived dragon group, these arrogant ancient rulers will once again dig their rule from the grave, and the heavy pressure In the province of Skyrim, and even the top of every life in Tamriel.While Alduin has not ruled the sky yet, he now wants to accumulate strength quickly so that he can protect himself from the dragon disaster and protect those people who are worth guarding.

Hearing Lin De's words, Ah Ran probably thought of his classmates back then, sad things surfaced in his heart, and he was a little silent for a while.

"Maybe you're right." A Ran nodded, "Do you know anything about the war situation in Skyrim Province?"

"Know a thing or two. Not long ago, the empire broke out in conflict with the ancestors of Shenzhou. Although the empire won the war, it signed the "Platinum Treaty" that humiliated the country. The people of Skyrim were forced to give up the Talos belief. Ulfric led the storm The cloaks fight for the independence of Skyrim, trying to restore the faith of Talos."

"Yes. If you had to choose a side, would you join the Empire or the Stormcloaks?"

"I don't choose either."

There was a smile in Aran's eyes, obviously satisfied with Linde's answer.

"You see, although I am the chief mage, I have not been able to make beneficial changes to the status quo. The academy is still notorious, and the local people's distrust of us is increasing day by day. The surveillance and hostility towards the academy from the outside world has never weakened for a moment, especially It was during this period. Recently, the Sommer embassy has sent me frequent letters, and they hope to send spell consultants to the academy for exchanges."

"You agree?"

"Yes. Because of this, I hope that the academy will be united and prevent Thalmor's spies from taking advantage of it. Once again, your choice is beyond my expectations. I thought that to persuade you to disperse your followers, you need A lot of effort. Not everyone cares as much about following as you do."

Linde was also very helpless, "I don't know anything about the actions of Master Mayo and others. I even feel baffled."

"You underestimate your own influence. Master Linde, some people are born to be leaders, and the people around them will project their wishes on you and see you as the savior of their lives. This process is natural, as long as you are enough Excellent, as long as the world is cruel enough."

"I did give them a little help."

"Master Linde. You came to the academy in the middle of the year, and it has been less than two months. And I have seen no changes in the past ten years. The dust in the secret hall has fallen off because of you. A pool of stagnant water The Temple of the Elements explodes because of you. The indifferent scholars communicate with each other because of you. Sometimes you don't have to do anything, your very presence makes a difference. Like planets and double moons, whenever they appear in There will be people looking up to the sky.”

"I'm flattered by your compliment." Linde was a little surprised.If this kind of words came from his admirers, he could still accept it with the cheek, but he was a little confused when he heard the flattery of the newcomers from the mouth of the chief mage.

"Perhaps you came to this land to bring changes to the world. But the question is, Master Linde, what do you expect from this world? What do you desire in your heart?"

Linde knew that Aran had expectations of him. At this time, he couldn't say that he just wanted to learn magic, and then go through the plot to get the Eye of Magnus, right?

Aran didn't wait for Linde's answer, he stood up and breathed a sigh of relief as if he had released all the squeezed depression.

"Master Linde, no matter what kind of blueprint you have drawn in your heart, go ahead and do it, the academy will not be a drag on you."

"Thank you."

"No, thanks for your time, young man."

The chief mage left, leaving Linde behind, and also left a problem.

What are you yearning for?

Linde can say a lot of things casually, but after he thinks carefully, he is suddenly speechless again.

He actually has nothing dissatisfied with the status quo of life, and the basic needs of survival can be met, so it's time for higher pursuits.

For now, Linde is fascinated by magic, and he has really worked hard to learn it.On the one hand, it is to improve strength, and on the other hand, it is also a hobby.

Come on, magic is really cool, isn't it?

Moreover, as a half demon god, learning these esoteric knowledge was not a challenge for Linde, nor did he force himself to work hard for it.

The members of Winterhold College thought that Linde was the kind of ascetic monk who devoted himself to academics, but they didn't know that Linde actually lived a very prosperous life.

When you are tired from reading, go back to the library tower to rest. The house elf is always on call, and Kari will prepare whatever you want to eat and drink.Others thought he was restless, but in fact Linde slept well every day, not only for eight hours at night, but also for a nap at noon.

As for entertainment items, the library tower is equipped with computers and game consoles, and there are even miscellaneous equipment such as arcade machines, pachinko, and ktv, but he is not very interested in them. The background of the world of "Harry Potter" is still there. In the 1th century, there are still two and a half years before the release of "The Elder Scrolls 20", and rich electronic entertainment will have to wait another [-] years.

Linde's greatest joy every day is not only exploring new magic systems, but also teaching others how to learn magic. He used to be a teacher, so he has some professional habits.Every time he saw the painful faces of these apprentices being tortured by the magic theory, Linde didn't say anything, but he felt happy in his heart.

As his understanding of the two magic systems deepened, Linde gradually began to touch the root of magic.A deeper passion emerged in his heart, which was the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of power. He knew that he was walking on a great path.This road may be lonely, and there may be companions, but no matter what, Linde will go on.

(End of this chapter)

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