Hogwarts: Harley from the Witch Path

Chapter 93 The Audience Path is Damn!

Chapter 93 The Audience Path is Damn!
Finally, Harry confirmed Ginny's bed.

However, after searching carefully, Harley failed to find the ordinary black diary that Dobby described.

"Could it be on the bed? Ginny chooses to keep things close to her body that she thinks are too precious?" Harry cast his eyes on the bed, and then decided to use some precious means.

"Slumber!" Harley took out a bottle of herbal extracts representing the realm of the night, and performed a ritual.

This is much easier to use than the water of life and death that can only be effective when poured into the mouth, and it does not require too high a talent for potions.

It only needs a simple extraction method that Muggles can master, and the herbal essence can be extracted to match the ceremony.

After a simple ritual, Harley managed to put Ginny into a deep sleep.

Then she climbed directly onto Ginny's bed, carefully searching for possible dark magic items.

Harry didn't even spare Ginny's pajamas, but still nothing.

It can't be said that nothing was found at all. Harley confirmed that Ginny did possess a sealed item or a black magic item, because the girl's vitality was slightly weak.

But through a small ceremony in the life domain, Harry could tell that Ginny's vitality hadn't been lost anymore.

"What's going on?" Harry asked with confusion in his eyes.She is still very confident in her perception ability.

Even if the black magic item is very good at hiding, but with Dobby's description of its appearance, Harry is confident that he will not miss it.

After all, a large black diary is definitely not a small item, and it is not so easy to hide.

"According to Dobby's description, there is no magic fluctuation in that diary, but Lucius treats it very seriously and calls it the key to unlocking the secret room.

So, what dark magic item can a diary craft?

Can you communicate with the holder by writing on it, so as to hypnotize the holder? "Harry analyzed according to past experience,
"Indeed, this should be the most likely outcome.

In this case, this diary may have a certain sense of autonomy, which belongs to the kind of sealed item that has the characteristics of being alive.

When Ginny was examined by the school as a suspect, it sensed the danger and manipulated the holder to transfer itself? "

Harry quickly analyzed a situation that he thought was closest to the truth.

In this case it is troublesome.

When Harry returned to his dormitory and lay on the bed, he couldn't help rubbing the space between his brows.

A sealed item made by a demigod-level powerhouse has a high probability of threatening its current self.

And he and Voldemort are still enemies of life and death, so it is not surprising that this kind of sealed item with living characteristics is aimed at him.

Even if it wasn't aimed at him, it was really disturbing that there was such a sealed item hidden in an unknown corner around him.

But the school is so big, and Harry has no good way to search it.

As for telling Professor Dumbledore?No kidding, Halle isn't clean herself.

Among other things, forcibly plundering other people's slaves, or slaves of extremely high value, is a felony in any world.

But without exposing this, there is no way to explain the source of your information.

Besides, although she has a good relationship with most of the people in the school, Harley doesn't really care if they live or die.

For the Immortal Witch, Hermione is the only thing she cherishes now.As for the rest is just the anchor, if it is gone, it will be gone.

Harry secretly decided in his heart to pay a little attention to Ginny to see if he could get more news about the diary in the future.

Other than that, just protect Hermione a bit.


For the next few days, Harry didn't see anything unusual about Ginny.

Moreover, Ginny's complexion was getting better and better, and her pale face gradually began to turn rosy.

However, the girl seemed to have no memory of what happened some time ago.

Harry occasionally asked insincerely, but the little girl also looked confused, and had no idea what she was talking about.

If it wasn't that Ginny's acting skills were too good to fool the Immortal Witch who had lived for so long, then her memory should have been modified.

"Is it similar to the Sealed Artifact of the Spectator Path?" Harry summed up the information in his hand, feeling a little annoyed.

Sealed Artifacts similar to the spectator path... The spectators are really fucking damned!

The last thing Harley wants to face is the Extraordinary of the four paths of Seer, Thief, Apprentice, and Spectator.

One by one is not strong in frontal combat capabilities, but the disgusting people have many methods and strong life-saving capabilities.

This diary is also true, it looks like it is hard to find, and there are no loopholes left.


The heat about the Chamber of Secrets passed quickly, after all, only one cat was attacked, and it was the cat of the most unpopular administrator, Filch.

Since then, there has been no second attack.

Professor Lockhart claimed that his presence deterred the possible attacker, but most of the young wizards chose not to respond to him, only some fanatical fans expressed their support.

The students were more willing to believe that the Chamber of Secrets had not actually been opened at all, but that someone had learned a powerful petrification spell and wanted to hit Filch.

They also began to regard the attacker as a hero. After all, without the cat, Filch's success rate in catching students' night trips dropped greatly.

The only ones who were not too happy were the Slytherins, but they didn't have time to be happy, because the Quidditch match started.

On the first Saturday in November, the first Quidditch match, the old enemy Gryffindor faced Slytherin.

The Slytherins are full of confidence, after all, their well-known alumni, Mr. Lucius Malfoy, kindly donated seven light wheels 2001.

That's the best broom on the market!

Because of this news, Malfoy walked around the school proudly every day, like a peacock spreading its tail.

But he couldn't be happier soon, because someone secretly threw two big dung eggs on his head, and also publicized that Malfoy's strength was not enough, and he was a Slytherin team that spent money to join the unspoken rules.

I don't know what the Slytherins think, but anyway, the other three houses believed the news and talked about it.

The Gryffindors were especially happy, after all Malfoy was a newcomer.

As long as it can bring him mental pressure, maybe he will perform abnormally on the field!

Ravenclay and Hufflepuff are also happy to be entertainers, after all, Slytherin House has always been arrogant, which is really disgusting.

And Slytherin is not monolithic.

The Malfoy family is very popular, so naturally there are other pure-blood families who want to drive them into the abyss.

Especially former Seeker Terrence Higgs, he is not a good person.

Although the Higgs family is not one of the 28 pure blood families, it is also an old pure blood family.

After inexplicably being robbed of the Seeker position, Terence didn't mind causing some trouble for Malfoy.

He was the first to spread the news that Malfoy joined the team through unspoken rules.

He also secretly sold some Slytherin tactics anonymously through the school's black market.

Anyway, as long as Malfoy loses more ugly, he has more hope of getting back the Seeker position.

As for what happened to Slytherin, he didn't care!


(Thanks to Nine-Tailed Yanhu and Li Changhen for their rewards!)

(End of this chapter)

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