Hogwarts card system

Chapter 40 Magic spell lv2 and the art of wand wielding~

Chapter 40 Magic spell lv2 and the art of wand wielding~
Charms class this morning, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor together.

Professor Flitwick stood on the pile of books, poked his head out from behind the podium, and asked, "Today we are going to teach the Levitation Charm. Does that student know the Levitation Charm?"

Professor Flitwick looked at Ted, but found that Ted was a little dazed today.

Of course, Ted was not in a daze because of lack of sleep. He had already fully rested through deep sleep. Although this method cannot be used continuously, staying up late once in a while is nothing.

It's just that Ted didn't expect that what he was teaching today was the floating spell.

You must know that the floating spell is in the original book, but it involves a lot of plots.

Professor Flitwick saw that Ted, who used to learn to answer quickly, didn't raise his hand today, so he ordered Hermione to answer the question.

Hermione scored 5 points. After sitting down, her eyes looked at the podium, but her head was slightly tilted towards Ted, and she asked in a low voice, "Ted, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine, but I suddenly lost my mind." Ted said, "By the way, is Halloween tomorrow?"

Hermione nodded slightly: "Yes, today is the eve of Halloween, and I heard that the school still has a rich dinner."

Harley on the side hurriedly answered, "I heard 'reliable' news that Dumbledore invited a famous skeleton dance troupe to perform this year!"

That's right for Halloween!
Today is October 10st, the eve of Halloween, which is a traditional festival in the western world, and the celebrations are usually at night.

This festival is mainly popular in Western countries such as the United States, the British Isles, Australia, Canada and New Zealand where the descendants of the Saxons gather.

On that night, children will put on costumes and masks, and collect candy from door to door.

Western ghost festival belongs to yes.

In the world of "Harry Potter", it is a rule that something happens every year before Halloween.

Naturally, Hermione couldn't go to the bathroom and cry because of Ron talking behind her back, so what would happen?
Will the troll appear? !
Ted's curiosity exploded for a moment.

Although Professor Quirrell still behaved like a wimp and freak, judging from Ted and his communication about the blood of magic after class, this guy is completely a top Ravenclaw student!
It's just a bit partial, and the field of study is the magical bloodline.Many theories are both advanced and extreme, like a Frankenstein's blank.

Today's Charms class Ted seemed very low-key, which made Professor Flitwick a little uncomfortable. Do you think there is something wrong with his teaching plan? !
It has been two months since the Charms class, and Ted and the others are making pretty good progress.

A total of taught:

Fluorescent spells, wand flashlights.

Signal spell, use the magic wand to launch red, yellow and green fireworks signals of different colors, call for help or notify.

The fire spell, that is, blazing flames, is a lighter when the level is low, and a flamethrower if it is high level.

Cutting curse, torn apart, the main function of this thing is to cut cloth, paper, food, etc., but some people use it to cut people's heads directly in battle.

Four spells in two months, the progress is pretty good.

Of course, Ted and the others must have studied in private. In fact, this is also the teaching philosophy of Hogwarts-that is, what the school teaches is just a guarantee, and if you are self-motivated, you can learn by yourself.The so-called happy education.

The mediocre students are really happy, and the top students are all big pens~
Most of Ted's energy in the entire class was thinking about Professor Quirrell's "performance" at night, but with his current foundation in charms, learning simple spells like the Levitation Charm is not a problem.

Still a success in class.

However, there is still a surprise!
"Ding~ You have learned a new magic - the Levitation Curse, and you have gained 80 experience."

"Ding~ After a long period of study and exercise, you have a deeper understanding and exploration of the magic spell, and the magic spell has been upgraded to lv2."

At that moment, Ted had a feeling that the spell was so simple, and the problems that used to take a long time to think and study, now he can figure it out in a casual way.

It seems that the eight meridians of the extraordinary meridian have been opened up in an instant!Huo~ A ray of spiritual light gushes out from the Tianling Cap!Professor Flitwick looked at it and nodded, and Dumbledore looked at it and surrendered...

Of course it is impossible!

After Ted got acquainted with Professor Flitwick, he found an opportunity to use the identification technique. His spell level is lv8. Do you know the gold content of master spells?
That is to say, there are almost no conventional spells that he can't know and can't use!

Whether it is the depth of research or the breadth of research, Professor Flitwick is far superior to 99% of wizards in the magic world.

Even according to Ted's chance to see the information on his Dean's desk, Professor Flitwick has been studying ancient magic for several years.

It can be said that, except for some esoteric white magic, black magic and so on, all the conventional spells can be taught from him.

A new spell is placed in front of him, and it will be broken within a few days at most.

And Ted is only the curse lv2~ Sprinkle water!

During this time, Ted also took the opportunity to collect a lot of data from the students.Some conclusions were drawn:
Generally, students who can get excellent students in a certain subject of OWLs in the fifth grade are lv3.

Generally, students who are excellent in a certain subject of NEWT after graduating from the seventh grade are lv4.

In other words, a relatively good adult wizard is probably level 4 in certain subjects.

Of course, some people will further refine and upgrade after graduation.But that's all for most wizards in this life, and there may even be a regression.Use it or lose it!
This can better compare the gold content of Professor Flitwick's spell lv8.

Although the progress of the task was not cleared in class, but the magic spell skill has been upgraded, which is definitely a good thing.

Seeing Ted's success again, Ron and Neville whispered to him for tips.

In the past, they could always get some pointers from Ted. Ted is good at summarizing experience, so it is often very useful.

So the other students who were confused also listened with their ears open.

This time, Ted was a little excited because of Halloween, so he planned to play a little joke on them.

"Well~ you shouldn't be too rigid when you swing the wand, you have to be careful: loose, flexible, flicking, shaking, five consecutive whips with lightning~"

"Look at me~ Wingardim~ Leviosa!" The feather floated up, following Ted's wand as it floated in the air, obeying the command very much.

The students suddenly felt that they had found a knock on the door, and tried one after another.

Then, with a sound of "boom~", Seamus gave himself another smoky afro.

And Ron swung his wand more passionately than the baton in the hands of the band conductor, and he could stab Jerry's head at the front table by accident.

And Jerry's wand twitched crazily and flew out of his hand, but Ted caught it in time with a levitating spell.

In short, the classroom is full of joy~

Ravenclaw students are very curious today, because Ms. Gray, who used to be less than once a month, was staring at the statue of Ravenclaw in the common room early this morning in a daze.

Although ghosts are always in a daze for a long time because of the problem of time concept, they generally don't stay in crowded and noisy places.

And Ms. Gray has been here all morning and hasn't left at noon.

When Ted and Hermione came back from lunch, they saw Ms. Gray there.

Seeing Ted, Ms. Gray's expression changed slightly, but soon she left without speaking.

Hermione, however, is definitely Sherlock Holmes-level in this regard.

"You know each other?" she asked.

"Of course. I've seen Ms. Gray a lot, though not always."

"She seemed to want to tell you something just now."

"Well, maybe it's because she cared a lot about what I said to her in the morning."

"You said it... Forget it. I won't ask you, you should talk to her. There is only one class in the afternoon, so Zhihe will contact you." She walked away with her textbook in her arms.

I have to say that the two months of school time have allowed the little friends to grow a lot, not only in terms of knowledge and magic, but also psychological and character growth.

(End of this chapter)

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