The White Lord of Hogwarts

Chapter 59 1 Everything is in Dumbledore's plan

Chapter 59 Everything is in Dumbledore's Plan
"Sure enough, you also—huh?" Hermione didn't react at first, and then she realized that Love knew who Nico Flamel was!

"It was mentioned on Dumbledore's chocolate frog picture, 'and his partner Nicole Flamel is very effective in alchemy', so Nicole Flamel should be a master alchemist."

"Great!" Hermione cheered and jumped up excitedly: "Now I only need to go to the library to find out the information about Nicole Flamel!"

After a little celebration, she looked at Love with incredible eyes: "How did you do it? Can you even remember the information on a picture so clearly?"

"Maybe it's because I have a better memory." Love shrugged his shoulders—this good memory probably reflects his talent in the history of magic.

"Eh?" Hermione looked at Love, wishing to knock open his skull to see what structure was different from ordinary people. This memory is really amazing.

"By the way, what did you say about Snape just now?" Harry was very sensitive to the name Snape, and he remembered that Love seemed to have other opinions about Snape?

"I always feel that there is something wrong with the logic you summed up at Hagrid before. I still can't understand why Snape, a master of Potions, went to Filch to ask for the wound potion, and he couldn't make it himself? Haha Leigh, are you sure Snape was asking Filch for medicine?"

"Maybe the teeth of the three-headed dog are highly poisonous?" Ron told Love Cope patiently, "Miraculous animals like the three-headed dog and fire dragon often have venom on their teeth."

"Isn't concocting antidotes the basis of Potions?" Love said that Snape was still teaching them how to concoct antidotes in class a few days ago.

Ron fell silent.Even though he was convinced that Snape was not a good guy, he admitted that Love had a point.

Harry pondered for a moment, carefully recalling the conversation he heard at that time, and found that Snape did not ask for wound medicine, and Filch was just helping him treat the wound.

"He even told Filch that it was Fluffy who bit him..." Harry also felt that something was wrong: as students, they could all figure out that there was the three-headed dog Fluffy behind the corridor door on the fourth floor of the castle. Could Castle Keeper Filch really be ignorant of this?

"That's right, after you do something shady, will you let other people know?" Love spread his hands together: "I admit that Snape has been targeting Harry, but he really wouldn't want to do it for this kind of thing." Just kill Harry, and if you want to kill, you have to kill Filch first."

Love believes that since Snape dared to let Filch know that he was bitten by a three-headed dog, it means that he has a legitimate reason to be close to Lu Wei.

"The Bludger—" Hermione was about to argue, but Love cut her off.

"There is another person, Professor Quirrell was also casting a spell."

"Quirrell??? Does he have any motives?"

Although everyone didn't really believe that Professor Quirrell, who was usually timid, would have the guts to assassinate Harry, but Love's words were indeed reasonable. With the current evidence, it was not certain that Snape was the culprit, and everything was yet to be investigated.

Several people decided to start with Nicole Flamel. They needed to find out what was hidden by Dumbledore.


"It wouldn't be a big item anyway, because I remember the bag Hagrid took out was very small."

"But it's also possible that the traceless expansion spell has been applied. This spell can greatly expand the space. You look like a small bag on the outside, but in fact, it may hold more than your schoolbag."

After returning to the lounge, the celebration ceremony of Gryffindor College had ended, and several people gathered around the fireplace and began to guess what that thing was.

Hermione didn't join the conversation, she went to the library first.When she came back, she had a huge old book in her arms.

"I found the record about Nico Flamel and I think I guessed what Dumbledore was hiding - it's really shocking!"

She spread out the book and let Love and the others read the articles on it.

[The Philosopher's Stone is a magical substance with amazing functions. It can turn any metal into pure gold. It is also the main raw material of the elixir of life. People who take this medicine will live forever.The only surviving Philosopher's Stone belongs to the famous alchemist and opera lover Mr. Nicole Flamel (now 660 years old)]

"Got it?" Hermione asked after Love had finished reading.

"I believe that big dog must be guarding Flamel's Philosopher's Stone! Flamel knew someone was trying to get the Philosopher's Stone, so he asked Dumbledore to keep it for him, because Dumbledore is his most trusted friend." Hermione said confidently.

"A stone that can make you live forever and make gold," Harry said. "No wonder... that man is playing with it! There is no one who would not be tempted."

"Its protection measures do not match its value seriously." Love shook his head, and the sense of disobedience in his heart really became stronger and stronger.

Immortality and Midas touch, this is simply a maddening combination.But the whereabouts of such a thing can be found out by these first-year little wizards. Isn't this too underestimating the heroes of the world?
"If you wanted to hide something, how would you hide it?" Love looked at the three friends sitting next to him.

"In the bank?"

"Looking for a friend to help keep it?"

"Find a place to bury it?"

Love heard three different answers.

"I prefer the third option, to hide in inaccessible places, such as barren mountains, deserts, dense forests, etc., but one principle must be followed, that is, the fewer people who know about it, the better. What do you think about the way the Sorcerer's Stone is hidden? Is it consistent with this principle?"

Dumbledore almost made it clear that he hid something behind the corridor on the fourth floor, which was too suspicious.

"Is it a trap?" Hermione suddenly realized.

"Yes." Love nodded and expressed his point of view.

Dumbledore's behavior revealed weirdness everywhere, as if there was a note "I hid the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts, come and steal it" on his forehead.Since he dares to do this, there are only three possibilities:
One, the Philosopher's Stone is not in Hogwarts at all, and the closed corridor on the fourth floor is just a cover.

Two, he was fishing, waiting for greedy thieves to take the bait.

Three, Dumbledore is confused.

"What Dumbledore thinks has nothing to do with us. I only know that the person who thinks about the Sorcerer's Stone will definitely be unlucky." Love's words got everyone's approval.

"So is it Snape or Quirrell?" Harry frowned, he instinctively thought there was something wrong with Snape, because he seemed to be the only one who had the motive to kill himself.

"Who knows?" Love shrugged. "But I'm sure someone has already taken the bait—Harry, don't worry, I'm sure everything is under Dumbledore's control."

"I hope so." Harry said worriedly, "I don't know what will greet me in the next Quidditch match."


The second update is here, see you tomorrow at 12 noon
(End of this chapter)

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