The White Lord of Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Please stop scrolling!

Chapter 33 Please stop scrolling!
When Teacher McGonagall lamented Love's talent, Hermione also noticed the difference between her and Love. Love seemed to be more sensitive to the flow of magic power.This made her extremely envious, but at the same time felt helpless and sad.

Talent is the most unreasonable thing.Some people can play Go back and forth with AlphaGo, and some people can only play 2-16 with all their strength. This is the gap in talent, which is determined at birth.

"That's great." Hermione muttered.She knew Love's tricks, but Naihe didn't apply to her at all.She could only gradually find that illusory feeling through repeated attempts.

Really mad, Hermione glanced at Love angrily.

She decided to practice the Match Transformation Technique today, so as to shorten the gap between her and Love!Hermione made up her mind.

Not long after Hermione made her decision, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.Professor McGonagall announced the dismissal of the get out of class and left a homework: continue to practice Transfiguration, she will check before the next class, and she wants to see everyone's progress.

Everyone's complexion suddenly collapsed: Is it true that this thing of transfiguration can be effective after repeated practice?But since the professor said so, everyone can only bite the bullet.Let's hope their matches change even a little bit before the next Transfiguration class begins.

"Speaking of which, Harry, do you think my matches have become a little bit sharper?" Ron packed his schoolbag, and then let Harry look at his matches expectantly, hoping to get some positive comments from him.

But no matter how he looked at it, Harry felt that the match hadn't changed in any way.

At this time, the two heard the conversation between Love and Hermione at the next table.

"Hermione, do you want to go to the library to read a book after dinner?"

"Okay, the lounge is a bit noisy, but is it possible to practice spells in the library?"

"Perhaps? Is there anyone who learns magic without practicing spells?"

For Love, he must find a way to study with Hermione, otherwise the special effects of the cards in the group cannot be triggered, and Hermione also feels that when studying alone, no one will discuss problems, so he needs a partner.The two hit it off.

Ron, who heard the conversation between Love and Hermione, was about to explode: You two are already so talented, why are you working so hard!How does this make our mediocre talents live?

He couldn't help but complained: "Please don't roll anymore, my God!"

Ron's words attracted Love's attention. He turned his head and looked at Ron with strange eyes: "I don't think going to the library after dinner is considered a volume. The definition of a volume should be to achieve a certain purpose. Glorious means, such as fishing during the day and working overtime at night in order to make the boss feel that they are working hard, this is the only way. Students go to the library to study, just change to a better learning environment-don’t you stop studying at night? What about homework?"

Ron:  …

What he said is so reasonable, I can't refute it at all!It's just that school has just started now, can't the homework be left until the weekend?

The light in Ron's eyes disappeared, and he realized that going to school was such a painful thing.

"Would you like to come to the library to read a book together?" Hermione is a kind girl, and she is always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates when they encounter difficulties.She had paid attention to the status of other people in class, so she knew that Harry and Ron's progress was not very satisfactory, so why didn't everyone get together to promote each other?

Ron hesitated.

He instinctively wanted to decline that guy Hermione's invitation. After all, going to the library after dinner sounded terrible, and it was not as attractive as playing wizard chess while chatting with classmates by the fire in the lounge.But he felt that after getting acquainted with academic masters like Love and Hermione, he seemed to be able to get a lot of homework to copy, ah no, learn from, so he was entangled.

"I think it's okay." Harry agreed first.There was always a sense of urgency in his heart: he grew up in a Muggle family, and he was naturally one step behind those children from wizarding families, so he needed to work harder.He was afraid that he would be left behind by everyone and become the tail of the crane.

At this time, Harry was not very familiar with his classmates, and he didn't realize that he was only fifty or a hundred steps away from everyone, so he still had the motivation to learn.When he finds out that many people are like him, even people from a magical family like Ron may not be much ahead, he may start to mess up.

After all, it's not easy to learn well, and it's easy to get out of it.

Seeing that his friend Harry was going too, Ron was dumbfounded: Brother, why did you become like this?
In the end, he could only bite the bullet and express that he had long wanted to visit the Hogwarts library.

After the two agreed to Hermione's invitation, the [Group] panel in Love's system was also updated.

[Team members: Love Moen (leader), Hermione Granger (…)
Invitables: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Group vacant positions: 2]

Love pulled the two into the group.

[Harry Potter joins the group, group vacancy: 1]

[Ron Weasley joins the group, group vacancy: 0]

This time, his team reached saturation.But don't worry about these people getting stuck in the group and occupying places, because there is a "..." behind each group member's name, and there is an option to "remove this member from the group" after clicking on it.Love only needs to kick one person to open up a new position.

After Harry and Ron joined the group, their cards were also generated in the system.

【Harry Potter: With Harry's instigation, it is easier for you to get the correct answers for her homework from Miss Granger; since Mr. Potter often asks various questions, the chances of gaining mastery points will also increase. 】

[Ron Weasley: Mr. Weasley is not a focused person. He can always provoke various topics and interrupt your study. The proficiency accumulation speed is -50%; because Mr. Weasley often Asking various questions will increase your chances of gaining mastery points.

Note: This special effect still exists even after he is removed from the group, unless you keep a long enough distance from him in the physical sense]

Love frowned, these two cards are really weak, they are completely unknown cards.Leaving aside the strange special effects of Harry's card, Ron's card actually has negative effects?If it weren't for the two of them to increase the probability of obtaining mastery points, Love would have canceled his plan to study in the library.

Now, he had no choice but to bite the bullet, and only hoped to reap a little more academic mastery.

The four of them left the classroom together.

Looking at the four people who went to the library to study in a team, Professor McGonagall had a gratified smile on his face: This is a Gryffindor student who took the initiative to go to the library to study, which is too rare!
Her mood improved.


Aha, the first update is on time!
(End of this chapter)

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