Blind Uchiha and Platinum Star

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Longdidong Training Center

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Longdidong Training Center
In the dark burrow, a person was tied tightly to a wooden bench.

"Woo! Woooo!!!"

His hands and feet were firmly bound, and his eyes were covered with bandages.

He didn't even know what was stuffed in his mouth, preventing him from making a decent sound.

He had already forgotten what day it was.

His memory stayed on that night, when a figure wearing a fox mask suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Since then, he has never seen the sun again.

He only knew that every once in a while, a cold monster would bite his neck, sucking his chakra mercilessly.

Occasionally, they would confuse him with laughter like a human maiden, keeping him silent in a strange fear.

It's not that he didn't think of committing suicide, but some kind of sealing technique was imposed on the bound ropes so that he couldn't effectively use the remaining chakra.

What's more, whenever he stores a certain amount of chakra, it will be ruthlessly taken away.

This kept him in painful weakness, and he felt that his consciousness was slowly collapsing.

But when did Anbu master the technique of detaching other people's chakras?
What do they want from me?
The seal on his mouth was torn off, and he was finally able to spit out the floc in his mouth.

Is it time to eat?

It was said to be eating, but in fact, it was stabbed deep into the throat by something like a domesticated meat duck, and it was poured into something that I don't know what it was
This made him fall into almost infinite fear at the beginning.

Because he couldn't guess whether it was a poison or a psychotropic drug.

But later he discovered that although the things they poured into himself could not fill his stomach, they could sufficiently replenish his chakra.

Hunger was always there, but as long as he had this thing to sustain him, he felt that he would not die.

Sensing the breath in front of him, he spontaneously opened his mouth wide.

This is to prevent force-feeding with the jaws removed.

Moreover, the utensils used to feed him before were slippery but seemed to have barbs.

Resisting will only hurt his throat and esophagus, making it even more difficult to support.

"Hey, wake up."

This time it wasn't the girl's voice, and it didn't seem to be feeding.

"Who are you and what do you want to do!"

The visitor was slightly taken aback, he seemed a little surprised.

"Do you know what's going on now? How dare you ask me?"

"Are you used to it on weekdays?"

The captive felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that this voice, which was not the same as before, was not a friend who came to rescue him.

It seems to be just the other side's interrogators.

In an instant, he was so ruthless that he wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

But as soon as he made a move, the opponent's fingers had already sunk into his jawbone.

"Why, day by day, do you feel that life is hard or something? Why do you want to die if you don't pay attention?"

Jaw dislocated again.

Dense sweat oozed from Genin's head, and the severe pain made his mind even more cloudy.

"I just want to ask you a few questions, how about you be good, and I promise I won't make things difficult for you?"

The person who spoke seemed to twist slightly, and Genin's jaw was twisted back to its place.

But he remained silent.

It is impossible for the other party not to know his identity, because the place where the archived information report is hidden will not be known by ordinary people at all.

And the guy who attacked him before was obviously prepared.

It's useless for the other party to torture him like this. Even if his mind is broken, the secret technique in his mind will be triggered to destroy his brain tissue.

Even if he wants to speak out, the seal of the tongue will make him unable to speak and his whole body will be stiff.

I don't know if the chakra in the body can kill him instantly with the seal of the root of the tongue, if it is enough, he can try to tell some secrets.

"What's your name?"



Gen Ren, code-named Xu, remained silent, as if he did not intend to reveal his real name.

"Don't you have a name? Do you know what the word Xu stands for?"

Xu continued to remain silent, of course he knew.
"Others say you are a dog, do you really think you are a dog? The ninja dogs of the Inuzuka clan are not as obedient as you."

"Or is it that the person who domesticated you is so skilled that he can train a person into a dog?"

Is this Genin really a little young? After being humiliated like this, he still couldn't hold back and asked:

"What about you? Do you dare to say your name?"


The person in front of him didn't seem to care, and said casually:
"My name is Seiichi Uchiha, what then?"

The voice of the captured Genin suddenly rose.

"Uchiha Seiichi?! Is that you?!"


It was funny how he reacted.

Generally speaking, the first reaction of this Genin when he heard this name should be a question like "Are you from the Uchiha clan?"

But his reaction was obviously to recognize himself.

"Is it time to tell you your name?"


Xu said in a low voice, "I don't have a name, I'm just Xu."

Was it a war orphan who was captured by Gen?
Chengyi took off the bandage in front of Xu's eyes, allowing him to see the dim light around him after a long absence.

"you know me?"

"Ah, you are in the root. You are quite famous."

Xu was surprised at the appearance of Chengyi in front of him, isn't he blind?

"Because I beat up Danzo?"

"That's why"

It seems that the situation is more complicated than Seiichi imagined.

"You should know what I'm doing now, right?"

"Of course, it means that my life is not long."

Uchiha Makoto sighed for no reason.

"You don't seem to be afraid of death at all?"

"Of course, if you are afraid of death, you will reveal your secrets. There are no ninjas who are afraid of death."


This guy has been trying to commit suicide since he woke up, Seiichi said curiously:
"Since you are not even afraid of death, why are you afraid of Danzo?"

Xu lowered his eyebrows, a little pain appeared on his face.

"Some things are more important than life."

Cheng pursed his mouth.

"Taught by Danzang? Then, what is the truth?"

Xu smiled wryly:
"Some things are scarier than death."

Both fell into a brief silence.

Finally Seiichi sighed again:

"I have to refute your initial statement first."

"very beginning?"

Xu is a little confused, which one is the first?
His face suddenly changed, isn't he actually Seiichi Uchiha?

But Chengyi smiled and said:
"Everything I'm doing now ... means you have a choice."

Xu was slightly taken aback.

"You either choose to join me and become my companion, or you are loyal to Danzo and die here as Gennin."

I thought there would be some other choice, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

He sneered and said, "Obviously they tortured me like this, but now you think I will be tempted by saying such things?"

"Do you really think that I'm an idiot who doesn't understand the tactics of attacking the tough but not turning Huairou?"

This young but well-trained Genbu ninja seemed to have seen through Seiichi's routine and looked extremely disdainful.

But Seiichi also sneered back: "Torture torture?"

"You may wish to recall what I have done."

Xu frowned, a little puzzled by the words of the person in front of him.

But he snorted softly like irony.

"Which one of all the things I have done to you?"

"Not to keep you alive?"

 Come here, please follow up, bookmark, recommend, tomorrow will be updated on Tuesday, remember to come and see it.


(End of this chapter)

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