i invent at hogwarts

Chapter 77 The Weasley Tragedy

Chapter 77 The Weasley Tragedy

Quickly stuffed two mouthfuls of rice, said goodbye to Harry, Rig, and went straight to the twins at the other end of the long table.

Seeing the deep dark circles under the eyes of George and Fred, Rieg felt even more guilty.

The last time I saw Gemini was the last time.

Since accidentally turning Quirrell into a kiwi, Gemini has been intensively investing in the adjustment and optimization process of the biting hat and canary biscuits.

Canary biscuits are relatively simple, and Fred Weasley just adjusted the taste of the biscuits.

Using Mrs. Weasley's secret recipe for custard biscuits, the biscuits are even more delicious!
During testing, George Weasley was basically in canary form.

No way, this little biscuit is really delicious, I want to eat a second after taking one bite.

And what about biting hats?
After testing, there is no problem with the strength and pain of biting the hat, which made the twins puzzled for a while.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that Quirrell's head is more sensitive.

Listening to Gemini's report, Rieg thought silently, it's not sensitive.

You are also sensitive if you have hair on your nose and even your eyelids.

Gemini thought that Lige wanted to wait for them to optimize the product before sending it to Wenrenju, and they have been working hard to improve it.

I hope that even if it doesn't sell well, it won't be neglected and embarrass Rigg.

The reason for Rigg's guilty conscience is very simple.

He forgot.

The Mirror of Erised is so beautiful, and the adventure of customs clearance is so interesting, he really likes it here.

He was sleepy again during the day, and just keeping his eyelids closed had exhausted all of Rigg's attention.

Zero's big tail is so soft and warm, how can Rieger remember the twins by the Black Lake?
Fortunately, the twins had already studied almost, and Rieg followed them straight to a secret classroom that the twins had discovered.

This is the small classroom directly connected to the kitchen that Gemini has been looking for for a long time.

Because it was too small, and no professor would use it to teach, it made it cheaper for George and Fred.

This empty classroom is now filled with a sweet milky smell, just smelling it, Rigg is hungry.

Fred smirked and put a plate of freshly baked canary biscuits in front of Rigg.

The aroma kept coming from under the nose, as if tempting Rieg to eat a piece.

"Just a piece!" Fred's voice echoed in the empty classroom.

Rigg closed his eyes in pain, not looking at it anymore.

I will endure!

Rigg quickly pushed Fred away.

He didn't want to become a canary overnight like George.

Rigg carefully inspected more than 20 hats and more than 30 plates of small biscuits made by George and Fred overnight, and the quality was all right.

Gemini looked at Rieg's thumb, and he was also very satisfied.

Recently, their free time has been used to make these two prank products, and they have no time for night tours.

Even with a batch done now, George and Fred just want to rest for a while.

Filch was surprised to find that the number of young wizards violating school rules in Hogwarts had decreased significantly recently.

Gryffindor went from the house with the most points deducted to the most well-behaved house.

Gemini made an indelible contribution to this.

Because they were taken away by Lige to work.

Because Rieger had completely forgotten about Gemini, there was no way for Nigel to take away Gemini's works at this moment.

I can only trouble Hedwig again, Rieg thought.

He will also buy an owl during the holidays, so he can't always bother Harry.

As soon as he entered Lige, he found that he was really well-behaved. Few little wizards really brought pets according to the list.

Besides his toad, Neville also brought an owl from home.

Jordan is even more outrageous. He has more than 50 spiders in his dormitory.

There used to be public owls in the owl house for little wizards to use, but those public owls have disappeared these days.

Professor McGonagall said that these owls are too tired and need to rest, and they will come back after a while.

The little wizards got a reply from the professor's endorsement, and the matter passed.

Only Ravenclaw is still looking for the real answer to the owl's disappearance.

In the morning of the next day, Hedwig flew away with Rieger's letter to Wen Renju and a quarter of the hat biscuits.

Hedwig had to go back and forth three times for this kind of journey, Rieg respectfully handed Hedwig small owl snacks.

Offer, must offer!
Hedwig stared at him with wide eyes for a long time, nodded in satisfaction, then slapped Harry angrily back and forth with her wings, and set off.

Hedwig began to tremble and sink before flying out of the auditorium, and Rieger looked at her worriedly.

Fortunately, this is a good girl, she persisted!Hedwig successfully flew away with the package.

Harry was beaten by Hedwig and fled like a mouse. His body was in pain, but his heart felt better.

At least he's helping Rigg, Harry thought, or he'd be too embarrassed to take Rigg's money for nothing.

Suddenly, Neville jumped out from beside Hermione. He had been looking for Rigg and the others for a long time.

He said in surprise: "My God, why didn't you tell me about your Forbidden Forest adventure?"

Neville was so envious, he didn't expect Rigg and the others to do such a big thing quietly.

Looking around, Rieg understood.

Ron had been missing all morning.

After washing up in the morning, they went down the stairs to the lounge together, and Ron disappeared. Rigg, Harry and Hermione could only come over for dinner first.

I didn't see Ron at the long table during the meal.

Now Neville's words really answered his doubts.

Q: Where did Ron go?
Rigg squinted and looked at Ron who was surrounded by little wizards in the distance, walking towards the Gryffindor long table, dancing and talking.

A: Ron Weasley was bragging.

"Where did you just say that?"

Ron, who had been talking all morning, pursed his lips, and immediately a first-year little wizard handed him the milk on the table.

Ron drank a glass of milk in one gulp, patted the table and said, "After seeing that black shadow, I made a quick decision..."

He flicked his finger and pointed to the door of the auditorium, "See, that black figure is as tall as the door of the auditorium, but I'm not afraid at all."

Hermione put down the bread she was spreading jam on and folded her arms to listen to Rigg, and Ron could brag about something else.

She stayed with Ron that night.

Ron was shaking so badly that the hair on his head nearly fell off.

It was Hermione who pulled him along the road in the Forbidden Forest so that he didn't crash into a tree nervously.

"In order to protect Rigg and Harry, I stood in front of them and told them to run..."

Ron spoke impassionedly, and the Rigg trio sighed and shook their heads in unison.

A little wizard saw Rieger sitting there, found him and Harry shaking their heads, and immediately questioned Ron's story.

The little wizards around Ron started whispering, Ron felt something was wrong, touched his nose awkwardly and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ron looked up in a daze and followed the gazes of the little wizards.

Rigg looked at him with a half-smile, and Hermione was expressionless but grabbed a stack of papers that Ron was familiar with.

Harry rolled his eyes at Ron. Rigg had saved him, he hadn't forgotten.

Harry yelled at Ron, "Then tell me how you got the flames!"

The little wizards around made a "wow" sound and looked at Ron expectantly.

A huge bead of sweat hung on Ron's forehead.

 Seek recommendation tickets and monthly tickets for ball reading! !Wow, it's going to be the 11th, and it's only a few days away from the shelves!nervous
  Today, I watched Juantu’s circle of friends and bought an oxygen bottle. You can also prepare some, which should relieve the pain of the sheep after it dies.

  After all, no one can say right now, so we can only prepare more.The Nantai people I know all seem to be suffering.


(End of this chapter)

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