i invent at hogwarts

Chapter 23 Memories Ball Chaos

Chapter 23 Memories Ball Chaos

There is such a good thing?
Rieg immediately pulled the big tail over and touched it from head to tail, kneading it constantly.

Feel good!

Zero didn't expect Rieg to be so rude.

Grit the little tiger's teeth, I will bear it!

5 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed.

Zero couldn't bear it anymore, "Ah! You still have more to do!"

The orange-red pupils glared at Rieg angrily, and with a whimper, he pulled his tail away and hugged him in his arms.

Rieg withdrew his hand regretfully, and couldn't help rubbing his fingers when he retracted.

The big, oily and smooth tail feels soft to the touch, and it can sink into it with a touch of hand.

Rub it, and Zero's ears tremble.

Because of the close distance, Rieger could still smell the sweet fragrance like toffee on Zero's body.

And most importantly.

If you touch the cat in the consciousness space, you won't find any miracles.

Eating it legally!

"Then what spell do you want to add now?"

Zero tidied the fur on his tail in pain, and asked Rieg expectantly.

She has paid so much!

Dirty, I'm dirty.

Zero's pupils gradually became moist, he never expected to pay such a high price for a system.

Rigg didn't hesitate, "I'm going to add some Fiery Curse and learn to be blazing."

"Go to hell, scumbag!"

With Zero Angry Cat Punch.

Rigg is pushed out of system space.

When I opened my eyes, I felt like there was a cat paw print on my face.

Because he was not sure whether the zero of his anger value was added to him or not.

Rieg tried to pick up his wand and cast the Fire Charm.

You can't try blazing flames in the dormitory, right?
Unfortunately, he is now lying in bed with the quilt in front of his wand.

The fire spell causes the target object to emit a wounding heat when touched.

So it is also reasonable for Rigg to jump up in the middle of the night.


Rieger proved with his own experience that his Blazing Curse has indeed been upgraded.

It was hot and painful.

The whole dormitory was awakened by such a big movement from Lige.

But Harry and Ron understood after hearing Rigg dream that he was forced to eat ten rock cakes.

Ty understood.

Just hearing Rieger mention the word rock cake made Harry feel a dull pain in his cheek.

this night.

Rigg slept soundly and felt safe because of the successful addition, and Harry fought with rock cakes all night in his dream.

Harry was relieved when he heard the alarm go off in the morning and was jolted awake.

He saw that the quilts were all piled up on his upper body.

No wonder he dreamed that Hagrid had baked a hundred rock cakes, and that they were pressing down on him like a mountain, and he was not allowed to get up until he had eaten them all.

He didn't sleep well at night, leaving Harry sluggish during the day.

Even the Quidditch class that he was looking forward to the most couldn't cheer him up.

At noon, when Rigg and Ron dragged Harry to the cafeteria, there was no one left in the cafeteria.

There was only one solitary glass globe sitting in Neville's usual seat.

Rieg picked it up curiously, and there was a light red in the glass ball.

Ron touched it curiously when he saw it, and saw that the glass ball instantly glowed red.

Then Rigg remembered, "Oh, this is a memory ball. If it turns red, you just forgot something."

Ron immediately thought about it when he heard it, but unfortunately he didn't remember what he had forgotten in the end.

Rigg remembered.

This is Harry's debut scene.

A first-year freshman can successfully enter the sight of Professor McGonagall and join the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

The presentation of this Quidditch lesson is indispensable.

Thinking of this, he looked at Harry who was still sluggish.

Rigg deliberately bumped Harry's arm as he went back.

"Oh, no!" Harry hurriedly rescued the spilled milk on the table.

Don't talk about languishing, you can let him fight trolls now.

Instant refreshment!
Rigg, who apologized to Harry after sitting down, has deep credit and fame.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Rigg, Harry and Ron hurried down the steps with the rest of the Gryffindor students.

The memory ball was returned to Neville at noon, and Neville was very grateful.

He hadn't noticed the memory ball was missing at all.

Rigg and the others came to the field in front of the gate expectantly, preparing for their first flying lesson.

As they walked quickly down the sloping lawn to a flat lawn on the opposite side of the field, the grass waved slightly under their feet.On the other side of the lawn is the forest, and the dark trees in the distance are swaying in the wind.

The Slytherins were all there already, and twenty broomsticks were neatly stacked on the ground.

Rieger once heard Fred and George Weasley complain about the broomsticks in the school, saying that the broomsticks seemed to have not been replaced in 20 years.

The old ones are like the ashes from those armors in the school corridors.

Some brooms shudder when you fly too high.

Others are always slightly to the left.

The worst thing is a dilapidated broom, the tail branches are going to be bald, one can imagine its flying effect.

Not long after, their teacher Mrs. Hooch came.

She had short gray hair and yellow eyes like a hawk's.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?"

She snapped, "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Rigg glanced at the broom beside him.

I have to admit, it's just that bad luck.

The bald broom head has already shown that his theoretical exercises in this class may be greater than practical.

Harry glanced down at his broomstick. It was old and battered, with branches protruding in all directions.

"Put your right hand over the handle of the broom," cried Mrs. Hooch ahead, "and say, 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Harry's broom jumped into his hands immediately, but there were only a few brooms so obedient.

Rigg's broom struggled for a long time, and managed to leave the ground by one centimeter.

Maybe he turned out to be a good broomstick, but the years make the broomstick old.

Hermione Granger's broom just rolled on the ground, while Neville's didn't budge at all.

Mrs Hooch then showed them how to get on the broom without slipping off their heads.

She walked up and down the line, correcting their handshakes.

Malfoy, who has been telling everyone that he has good Quidditch skills, was also criticized by Mrs. Hooch.

This made Lige and the others secretly happy.

For the story of Malfoy's successful escape from the Muggle plane, Rigg's ears were sore.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and kick hard."

Mrs. Hooch said, "Hold the broom steady, go up a few feet, then lean forward a little, and drop straight back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

However, Neville was too nervous to be left on the ground.

So before the whistle touched Mrs. Hooch's lips, he kicked hard and flew up.

"Come back, boy!" cried Mrs. Hooch nervously.

But Neville went straight up, like a cork squirting from a bottle.

Twelve feet... twenty feet...

Harry saw his terrified, pale face looking down at the rapidly receding ground, saw him panting with his mouth open.

Rigg grabbed his wand and waited.

Then Neville slid off the side of the broomstick.

Seeing Neville's height drop rapidly, Rieg raised his wand in anticipation.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"


Neville stopped in the air more than one meter above the ground.

He was pale and weeping, waiting for his fate.

Neville's broomstick was still rising higher and higher, and then it began to drift slowly towards the Forbidden Forest and disappeared.

After waiting for a while without feeling the pain, Neville opened his eyes in wonder.

Malfoy and his squire laughed from behind, mocking the way Neville was floating in the air.

Harry and Ron patted Rigg on the back excitedly.

Gosh, the little Gryffindor wizards surrounding Rig are all excited.

Their classmates saved Neville with a spell!

Mrs. Hooch quickly took Neville, her face as pale as Neville's.

Rigg was also finally able to cancel his levitation spell.

Seriously, he's never levitated.

Still a well fed little boy, such a heavy object.

It made Rigg feel hollowed out.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hooch answered quickly.

"A few scratches." Mrs. Rigg was relieved to hear Madam Hooch say with a sigh of relief, "Okay, child—it's all right, you can get up."

Seeing that Neville was still in shock, Madam Hooch hesitated and looked at the little wizard nearby.

To be honest, she didn't see who used the Levitation Charm, and she kept looking at Neville in the air.

Thinking that Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape would take over the management of the investigation later on, Mrs. Hooch made up her mind and prepared to send Neville to the hospital first.

Discussing meritorious deeds and praising the outstanding floating spell can be done by the head of the college.

She turned to the rest of the class and said, "I'm taking this kid to the hospital, and none of you are allowed to move! Put the broomsticks back where they were, or you'll be kicked out before you can even say 'quidditch'." The gates to Hogwarts are open. Come on, dear."

There were tears of joy on Neville's face, he really didn't expect that he could land well.

Mrs Hooch put her arms around Neville and kept comforting him.

The two left together.

They had just gone out of hearing when Malfoy burst into laughter.

"Did you see that face on him, that big fool?" echoed the other Slytherins.

"Shut up, Malfoy," said Parvati Patil sharply.

"Huh, guarding Longbottom?" said Pansy Parkinson, an ugly Slytherin girl.

"I didn't expect you to like chubby little tears, Patil."

"Look!" said Malfoy, rushing to grab something from the grass. "That big fool Longbottom's grandma gave it to him."

He held up the memory ball, which gleamed in the sun.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !There is no money for the recommendation ticket, come and order some Modo Modo!I'm so good today. I went out for a day during the day, and I was so tired that I couldn't open my eyes and I was still typing.So let's get some votes


(End of this chapter)

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