The Great Writers of Hogwarts

Chapter 66 The End and the New Chapter

Chapter 66 The End and the New Chapter

Moody fell to the ground, staring at Andre in a daze, but he didn't realize where this ruthless person came from.

Is this the arrival of reinforcements?

No, it shouldn't be. If the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic came to support, the scene should be huge. How could it be possible for a single person to come over?

What's more, as far as Moody knows, there is no such Auror with a long sword in the wizarding world.

No, let alone an Auror, it's hard to say if there are any wizards in the magic world who can use swords, let alone this kind of swordsmanship that looks extremely fierce!
An idea popped into Moody's mind.

This is what Dumbledore had told him before.

The reason why he was allowed to sit in Lovegood's house, in addition to ensuring the safety of the family, Dumbledore also hoped that Moody could pay attention to whether there was anything unusual about the Lovegood house, such as traces left by some ancient and powerful wizards .

Moody had never understood what Dumbledore meant by this until now.

The strange figure holding a long sword that appeared in front of him was probably the "old wizard" that Dumbledore wanted him to pay attention to.

There is such a person behind the seemingly ordinary Lovegood family, who can make Dumbledore pay attention to him, and he is even unwilling to come in person, but wants to use his own hands to inquire about the news?

But soon Moody put the thoughts in his mind aside, and now he can't care about the origin of this mysterious man, and dealing with the monster Pearson is the top priority.

At this moment, Andre strode forward, the silver sword in his hand was shining brightly, and the power of the potion in his body seemed to be boiling.

His speed is getting faster and faster, like a silver lightning in the night, suddenly soaring into the sky, tearing apart the cloud!
In order to deal with Moody and the elite Aurors, Pearson has already maxed out his magic resistance, which corresponds to his extreme vulnerability to physical damage.

The stones controlled by the Flying Curse could smash through the defenses on his body, not to mention the Griffin Silver Sword smeared with sword oil in Andre's hand?

With a sword, another giant tentacle was sliced ​​open like butter, and the thick, python-like tentacles were almost helpless in front of the silver sword, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Immediately, Andre's sword continued to move, making a big circle like a windmill, dancing like a court dance.

Sword dance!

Another adjacent tentacle was chopped off by Andre!
Pearson let out an angry roar, and the remaining dozen giant tentacles all raised up, and then slapped Andre hard.

Moody looked terrified.

Although the body surface defenses of those tentacles are fragile, the power is real, just rubbing them can break a person's bones.

If it was hit, it would be no less than being hit by a high-power spell, and people might turn into meatloaf.

Andre didn't rush when he saw this.

He first squeezed a sign of Arden, then the pattern on the Griffon suit lit up, and a huge magic trap appeared on the spot.

The blessing of the Griffin suit has already taken effect, and in the seal of Arden, the strength of Andre's seal will also be doubled.

Such an increase, combined with the increase in the strength of the basic seal of the Griffon suit itself, and the potion that Andre drank to increase the strength of the seal, has now brought the power of Andre's seal to an extremely terrifying situation.

"Quin's seal!"

With a low growl from Andre, a protective barrier enveloped Andre inside.

When the dozens of tentacles fell down, the barrier flickered violently, but it still didn't collapse.

And under the protection of Kun En's seal, Andre once again waved the silver griffin sword in his hand.

Sword Dance is back!

The gathered tentacles obscured the sky above Andre, but also created a killing stage for Andre.

He leaped into the air, swinging his silver sword.

Come like thunder to stop wrath, stop like Jiang Hai condenses clear light!
After the sword dance, a neat incision appeared in the center of more than ten tentacles, all of which were cut into two sections, and fell to the ground with a bang.

And Pearson's huge face in mid-air also fell to the ground along with the falling tentacles.

Just now he has tried his best to adjust the flesh and blood to a state that can resist the slashing of the long sword.

But he stacked magic resistance too high, and it would not be so fast to convert it into physical resistance for a while.

This time is really difficult for Aurors to grasp, after all, their bodies and reaction speed are no different from ordinary people.

But for Andre, whose reaction speed and physique are far beyond ordinary people, it couldn't be easier to seize such a little gap in Pearson's transformation.

During this period of time, Pearson's defense was nothing to Andre, and cutting him was even easier than cutting tofu, so the current scene appeared.

Before Pearson could complete his transformation, Andre had already cut off all his tentacles, leaving only that face!

Pearson's huge face became more and more distorted, and his eyes showed extreme hatred.

He opened his mouth, and countless squirming granules poured out from his mouth, wanting to form new tentacles.

He has already completed the transformation, and now the long sword in Andre's hand can no longer kill him so easily as before.

Of course, although this will be accompanied by a reduction in magic defense, Pearson still feels that he has won.

Moody no longer has the ability to fight, he can no longer release powerful spells, and he cannot pose any threat to him at all.

As long as Pearson can grow a tentacle, even if there is only one, he can deal with Andre, who obviously uses swordsmanship as his main means of killing.

It's just that after Andre watched the changes in the scales, mucus, tentacles, etc. on Pearson's body, there was also a sarcasm in his eyes.

"You transformed flesh and blood into a form that can withstand sword strikes?"

“That really saved me a lot of effort.

After all, to deal with something like you, it would be disturbing if you were not completely burned to ashes. "

Andre's swordsmanship was inherited from Geralt, and he also took the Thunder Potion, which is absolutely powerful in terms of lethality.

But compared with his seal at the moment, the power of swordsmanship pales in comparison.

Pearson transformed into a form that could resist swords, which was exactly what Andre wanted.

After all, Pearson's ability is absolutely invincible against enemies with single abilities, even an Auror as famous as Moody has suffered a lot under his hands.

But when encountering Andre's way of "dual cultivation of magic and martial arts", it is really overwhelmed, and no form of transformation can resist Andre's damage.

At this time, Andre didn't talk nonsense anymore, but put another Arden sign to increase the strength of his own sign.

Then, he bore the Sign of Igni.

The effect is - flame, burning!

Blazing flames spewed out from Andre's hands, covering Pearson's face and the huge tentacles that were cut off on the ground.

Pearson was just thinking about resisting Andre's swordsmanship, but he never thought that Andre's magic would be so powerful. His weak magic resistance was like nothing in the face of the Igni Seal that had been amplified to the limit. .

His scales, tentacles, and flesh were all swallowed by the raging flames, and he twisted and made harsh sounds.

Andre kept his golden vertical eyes open all the time, and the Igni Seal in his hand never stopped. The raging flames swept into the sea and burned everything in front of him to ashes. rise.

It wasn't until Pearson was no longer in the witcher's senses that Andre finally stopped the sign and walked towards Moody who fell to the ground.

Moody felt that his vision was blurred. He was struck by Pearson's tentacles before. Even with the Iron Armor Curse to protect him, the damage caused by the impact was extremely serious for the wizard's weak body.

Realizing that Andre was walking towards him, Moody struggled a few times, but after all, he still had no strength to move, so he could only let Andre, who he considered an "ancient" wizard, fiddle with.


Andre knocked Moody out neatly, so that the experienced Auror would not notice anything wrong, and then poured him a bottle of swallow potion, at least to hang him first.

Otherwise, if this guy really died here, Dumbledore would probably go crazy if the Order of the Phoenix lost such a general.

After doing this, Andre returned to the safe house of Lovegood's family, released the demon hunter form, let out a long breath, and finally let go of the big stone that had been pressing on his heart.

He closed his eyes, his heartbeat gradually slowed down, and his vision gradually faded.

Andre has entered a state of doze. In this state, he can feel the movement of the outside world, but in the eyes of others, he is no different from a drowsiness, so that he can create an illusion that he also passed out immediately .



A day later at St. Mungo's Hospital, Andre suddenly opened his eyes, woke up from a doze, and looked at the ceiling he had seen once.

When he turned his head, Ginny was lying on his bedside and fell asleep, the circles around her eyes were a little red and swollen, and the quilt was wet from her crying, she seemed quite worried.

The events of the day flooded Andre's mind.

After he finished Pearson, the filthy magic that enveloped the Lovegood house that hindered apparation and so on finally dissipated, and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore, and the Weasleys realized that the Lovegood house was out. After something happened, he rushed over quickly.

Survivors at the scene were then rushed to St. Mungo's Hospital for emergency treatment.

The Lovegood family was fine except that they were in a coma. After a brief treatment, they were placed in the ward and waited to wake up.

And many Aurors at the scene suffered extremely serious injuries. Up to now, there are still people who are being rescued, and their lives are not out of danger.

St. Mungo's Hospital was also in chaos during this period, and patients' family members and friends came to visit continuously.

A few Aurors were not rescued, or there were irreversible problems with their sanity, all of which caused violent reactions.

At the same time, there are more reporters trying to find out what happened to cause so many Aurors to suffer heavy losses. This is probably the most vicious event that has happened in the magic world in the past ten years, and the reporters are eager to find out. Click on the exclusive insider to make big news.

But these have nothing to do with Andre for the time being.

After Pearson's death, coupled with the significant improvement in strength, Andre's accumulated pressure during this period suddenly eased.

He had also heard the Weasleys talk about Xenophilius and Luna while he was dozing off.

Compared with the Aurors who had been attacked by Pearson and exposed to pollution for a long time, the two men Andre took to the safe house were in much better condition.

St. Mungo's Hospital simply dealt with them and decided that they were in good condition. They just need to wait for them to wake up. There is a high probability that there will be no sequelae.

Even if there is, the symptoms are mild enough to be ignored.

In addition, Andre also heard a piece of good news about Pandora.

After he eliminated Pearson, Pandora's condition improved a lot. St. Mungo's Hospital estimated that she would be able to wake up and maintain her sanity within three months at the earliest.

Of course, even if Pandora was able to wake up, St. Mungo's Hospital had issued an early warning, and she might say goodbye to magic for the rest of her life.

But this is much better than the situation of the Lovegood family in the original book.

At least the family is still intact, and Xenophilius and Luna will not become too obsessed like the original.

As for Pandora, Andre believes that even if she loses her magic, she still has a vast universe to explore.

Andre was already thinking about which higher education institution to send his adoptive mother to for further study.

Thinking about the days to come, Andre was in a very happy mood, with a little bit of longing.

It was a rare peaceful day, and I was finally able to develop steadily for a period of time.

But before that, he still has one last thing to do.

A figure appeared in Andre's mind, a gray-haired old man - Dumbledore.

Thinking of Dumbledore, Andre's emotions were quite complicated.

On the one hand, in the original book, Dumbledore is of course a headmaster respected by readers, a kind elder who can guide the direction.

But on the other hand, the magical world that Andre lives in is not a fairy tale.

How can it be so simple for a top wizard who can firmly establish a reputation in the magic world, and has been deeply guarded by successive ministers of magic, who think that he can easily take away this position with a wave of his hand?
Kindness, kindness, direction, and almost unlimited tolerance are for Harry Potter and his little friends.

Andre didn't think Dumbledore would treat him in the same way.

He also never pinned his hopes on Dumbledore's kindness.

A strange color flashed in Andre's eyes.

He had tried his best to create the illusion that someone was protecting the Lovegood family before, but it was obvious that Dumbledore was by no means the kind of character who would shy away from you if he knew you had a background.

He did feel apprehensive and didn't show up at Lovegood's house in person to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, but the means of probing never fell.

This time Andre showed the form of a witcher in front of Moody's eyes, which should confirm the conjecture that there is a mysterious power behind the Lovegood family.

But want to deter Dumbledore and make him give up the temptation of the Lovegood family?

Not enough, this top figure in the magic world is quite conceited, and his desire to control is extremely strong.

So Dumbledore had to really feel that he had been hit in the head, so that he would really be more afraid of the Lovegood family, instead of casually probing like before, so that Andre could really live a comfortable life.

As for how to make Dumbledore suffer?
Andre's eyes flickered.

"The next chapter of "Harry Potter" is dealing with Dumbledore's magic weapon, which is enough to make him burnt out for a while.

Maybe Dumbledore, who is aloof and perfect in morality, will also be tainted with moral taint. "

(End of this chapter)

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