The Great Writers of Hogwarts

Chapter 55 Planning, Griffon Silver Sword!

Chapter 55 Planning, Griffon Silver Sword!
Thinking that there is still a new book to be written, Andre couldn't help rubbing his temples, feeling a headache.

Every time a new book is published, it is a challenge for him.

This time "The Elder Scrolls" is no exception.

The main body of "The Elder Scrolls 5" is a game. Even if Andre remembers some official setting texts for reference, there is still a lot of work to be done to present the splendor of this world.

Even though Andre has sorted out some of the information in his memory in the past few days, it is still far from being able to convert it into a continuous text. At best, it is a fragmented glimpse of the world of the Elder Scrolls, and it will take more time and effort to polish it. .


Andre sighed softly.

It takes time for him to write something, it will take time for Xenophilius to review it after it is written, and it will take time for the team to do the distribution work.

Even with the previous experience of releasing "The Witcher", Andre couldn't guarantee that the whole process would be so smooth.

And besides the new hole of "The Elder Scrolls", Andre has not forgotten that he still has two old holes that have already been dug, "Harry Potter" and "The Witcher".

Andre had a real benefit in choosing to serialize in The Quibbler instead of rewriting and republishing the full book.

A small amount of content is serialized first, which allows Andre to obtain the level of response earlier, thereby extracting some power, and gaining a firm foothold in this world faster.

But if you choose the mode of serialization, you are destined to need to provide stable content to continue to gain reader stickiness.

In addition to releasing new books from time to time, old books must be updated at least once every two weeks, especially now that "The Quibbler" is on the rise, and it is very important to provide high-quality content stably.

"The Witcher" has just been released and has become a hit, so there is no rush to publish the next one for the time being, but the next one of "Harry Potter" is imminent.

Thinking of this, and hearing the sounds of the Aurors pacing back and forth downstairs, Andre felt annoyed for a while.

Originally, it was the time when he was working hard and the team was working overtime, but these Aurors ran out, making his actions so unchanged, and the communication efficiency with the team was also greatly affected.

This is just like when a new project was about to be launched in the previous life. Suddenly, a certain office had to review it. As a result, the entire department had to tilt its focus to cooperate, but the launch time of the original project could not be postponed.

That taste is just two words - sour and refreshing!
In addition to being annoyed, Andre took a deep breath and suppressed the emotions in his heart.

People live in the world, not in novels, so things go smoothly all the time, and emergencies are unavoidable.

Even the Minister of Magic and Dumbledore have to deal with emergencies frequently, let alone Andre.

I have seen a lot in my previous life, and my adaptability has improved.

The more complicated things are, the more calmly you have to plan.

Andre settled down, and drew two horizontal and one vertical lines on the parchment according to the habit of his previous life, dividing the parchment into four quadrants.

Counterclockwise from the upper left corner are: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, neither important nor urgent.

Then, Andre filled in all the things surrounding him now by category.

After checking or crossing out one by one, a work list for the next few days was finally finalized by Andre.

"One, writing the follow-up chapters of Harry Potter.

Since there is already a relatively successful opening chapter, so this time I don't need to touch J.K. Rowling's original manuscript, just reproduce it as it is.

Estimated working hours: Four hours.

Guarantee allows me to increase the response level of "Harry Potter". Whether it is to extract more magic power or obtain new extraction options, the cost performance is very high, so it is the first priority to complete. "

"Second, the novel adaptation of "The Elder Scrolls".

Although it is important, the progress may not be in time. The schedule is after the completion of "Harry Potter". "

"Three, the team communicated about the release of the next issue of "The Quibbler".

This can be carried out simultaneously with the novel adaptation of "The Elder Scrolls". "

"For the record: Since it takes time for "Harry Potter" and "The Elder Scrolls" to transform into strength, we need to find another method that can be realized in a short period of time to improve strength. Deadline: [-] hours."


Looking at this worksheet, most of the boredom in Andre's heart disappeared, and he let out a sigh of relief.

He first walked out of the room, informed Xenophilius and Luna that they were going to start preparing for the release of the next issue of "The Quibbler", and then asked Tonks to tell the Weasleys and set up a meeting.

"The team's communication has started. It won't be too much trouble. It shouldn't be a big problem to hold a meeting to emphasize the division of labor. Let's start with the preparation work first.

The next chapter of "Harry Potter" I can live out tonight. "

"The construction period of "The Elder Scrolls" will wait until the new chapter of "Harry Potter" is completed, don't start work at both ends and get nothing at both ends.

The most urgent thing left is to file for the record, and find another method that can take effect in a short period of time to improve its strength. "

Andre thought about it.

The fastest effective means of improving strength must be foreign objects such as equipment and potions.

It just so happened that "The Demon Hunter" and its derivative works mentioned many potions and equipment, which were available for Andre to choose from.

Andre remembers that demon hunters are divided into multiple genres, and each genre has a complete set of equipment that belongs to them, which can provide various blessing effects.

For example, the suits of the bear school mainly add defense, heavy hit, and life. A demon hunter wearing a bear school suit is powerful enough to hit a heavy strike, while the cat school mainly adds dexterity and swordsmanship. It's called dancing on the blade...

However, what Andre likes most at present is the suit of the Griffin School, mainly because it can increase the strength of the seal.

Andre's current power of France and India is already good with the blessing of huge magic power, but if it can be matched with the Griffon suit, it will definitely increase a lot.

If conditions permit, he certainly hopes to become an all-round existence without shortcomings, no matter how the enemy targets him, he will not be able to find any flaws.

But now it is a race against time, resources are not abundant, and there is no such condition for building a "bucket".

It's better to lengthen the longest piece of board and have a specialty first.

After a while, Andre made a decision, found the option to extract the Griffin suit on the parchment, and then ticked it hard.

The next moment, the parchment began to flutter, as if being swept by a strong wind.

Then, a faint silver light appeared on the table.

A long sword with a black hilt, a silver body, and intricate patterns engraved emerged from the parchment and landed firmly on the table.

Griffon Silver Sword (Master Class)!
(End of this chapter)

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