The Great Writers of Hogwarts

Chapter 37 Project Planning, Commencement

Chapter 37 Project Planning, Commencement

After hearing the explanations from Andre and Xenophilius, the Weasley family also understood that they had misunderstood the meaning, and they all let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling that she had made a big joke, Ginny blushed and hid behind Mrs. Weasley, eliciting a good-natured chuckle.

Brothers Fred and George couldn't wait to know what good idea Andre had come up with, so they hurriedly asked about it.

When Andre explained that using physical peripheral cards to drive the sales and influence of "The Quibbler" as an additional means of increasing income, the eyes of the Weasley brothers became brighter and brighter, almost like light bulbs.

Andre had mentioned to them the idea of ​​the agency sales system before, saying that once the sales network is established, it can be used not only to sell newspapers, magazines and books, but also to promote and sell other products.

The dream career of the Weasley brothers can be carried out in this way.

At that time, the two felt that this stage was still far away, but they didn't expect to take a tentative step now.

If this kind of physical peripheral cards can be successfully sold, then they can also accumulate relevant experience for their own entrepreneurship later, and the day when they realize their dreams will be getting closer and closer.

The Weasley brothers looked at their parents expectantly.

After the Weasleys looked at each other, they nodded vigorously without hesitation.

"No problem, just follow what you said, and we will help if we can."

Ginny, hiding behind them, raised an arm.

"Me, I want to do my part too."

Percy Weasley hadn't become an "official fan" at a certain stage later in the original book at this time, and he also raised a hand.

"Although I don't know what I can do, if there is anything I can do to help, I will try my best."

Ron Weasley hurriedly followed behind and raised his hands, for fear of being left behind.

"I, me, me, and me, don't forget me about this!"

At this time, Luna in the ward also ran out and stretched out her hand.

"I have to do something too, brother, dad, you can't forget me!"

After a while, everyone laughed, and the heavy and depressing atmosphere at the beginning was swept away. Everyone was full of hope, and everyone was full of ambition.

Putting hands together, they waved vigorously.

"The Quibbler is a hit!"

It's just that after this loud shout, everyone's eyes widened.

"But what exactly are we going to do?"

"What should I do?"

This is also a common problem in the process of starting a business.

Make a good effort, set a goal, and then everyone in the team can understand and perform their duties. This is something that can only happen in Urban Shuangwen.

In real work, even if everyone is full of enthusiasm and energy, it is still very difficult to accomplish one thing.

Right now, the Weasleys know nothing about the preparation and distribution of newspapers. When it comes to building an agent sales network, Fred and George are just talking on paper. As for the matters involved in the production of physical peripheral cards, everyone is even more concerned At a loss.

These things are so complicated that they are mixed together like a ball of yarn, and no one knows where to start.

Even Andre couldn't figure out everyone's work at once.

In his previous life, he was a business backbone in the pan-entertainment industry. He was neither an executive of a listed company nor a business genius. He couldn't explain every detail of an event in a few minutes like a god.

Fortunately, he had the experience of leading a small team of ten people in his previous life, and participated in several multi-departmental collaborative work with hundreds of people. Right now, he is barely enough to temporarily support the project manager.

According to Andre's work experience, no matter how complicated a matter is, it takes about three steps to break it down.

The first step is to clarify the goal and be precise to what effect to achieve.

The second step is to refine and decompose each goal, and finally implement it in the work of each individual.

The third step is to use the key time points to roll out the execution schedule of the entire team, and confirm the completion time of each person's work.

Breaking it down step by step in this way, it will gradually become clear what each team member should do and when.

Then, Andre found a blank piece of paper, drew out areas on the paper, and began to formulate a decomposition plan on the spot.

"The main goals of this plan are threefold: the first is to increase the influence and sales of "The Quibbler" as quickly as possible, the second is to obtain as much profit as possible, and the third is to build a preliminary agent sales network. "

"The first two goals are coupled with each other, and the third goal is relatively independent. Let's take the third goal first.

This goal required gathering distant relatives of the Weasley family to act as regional agents for The Quibbler.

To accomplish this goal, one needs to have high connections and status in the Weasley family, and it would be better for Mr. Weasley to do it.I heard that Percy is also quite active in the student activities at Hogwarts, so I also invite Percy to assist Mr. Weasley, and experience some experience by the way. "

"At dawn in three days' time, the next issue of "The Quibbler" will be released, so at the latest at midnight on that day, the two of you should bring your relatives and friends who are interested in becoming agents.

You only need to be responsible for this matter, do you understand what I said? "

When Andre opened his mouth to break down the specific tasks, both Mr. Weasley and Percy breathed a sigh of relief.

They don't quite understand other things, but they still understand pulling people, which is something they are relatively good at.

The two nodded, and Mr. Weasley apparated away with Percy directly, racing against time to convince the relatives of the Weasley family.

Andre's pen ticked the third target and circled the second.

"Our second goal is to make as much profit as possible, combined with this plan, that is to sell as many "Quieker" and physical peripheral cards as possible.

So first of all, we have to prepare a batch of cards, so that some can be sold later.

This has to be subdivided into design, proofing and mass production.

How about this, Fred and George are responsible for the design process, the material of the card does not need to be very high-end, it doesn't matter if it is a little worse than the chocolate frog card.

The material needed for the card surface is the Harry Potter photo taken this time, and I will synchronize it with you later.

The effect to be achieved by the entire card is first of all to have collection value and to arouse the desire of readers to buy.Here is an idea. Cards can be classified into ordinary white cards, rare blue cards, epic purple cards, and legendary gold cards.

As for some other interesting effects, it would be even better if they could be made.I believe in your creativity, but pay attention to the time, I am afraid that you only have one night, and you must not be too perfect.

After the design is completed, Luna, Ginny, and Ron will make samples of Fred and George's design together.

Mrs. Weasley, while they are operating, you have to be responsible for making a spacious enough space outside the Burrow, and you have to purchase materials and use magic to help in the mass production process. The responsibility is arduous, thank you for your hard work.

The first batch of cards had to be produced before Mr. Weasley and Percy came with their agents, and we had to make at least five thousand cards. "

"Does everyone understand what they are going to do?"

After Andre repeated it several times, even Ron, who was not very clever, understood what he was going to do.

His face was flushed with excitement and excitement, and he felt that he had played a very important part in a matter, and he felt a strong sense of participation and responsibility.

Looking at Andre who arranged everything in an orderly manner, Ron showed envy and admiration in his eyes, and finally understood why Fred and George, two lawless bastard brothers, respected Andre so much.

There is also a little girl like Ginny, who is obviously not normal for her enthusiasm for Andre.

"Andre Lovegood, he's so handsome..."

At this point, the second goal has also been decomposed.

Andre looked at Xenophilius.

"Then the first goal remains, to maximize the influence of "The Quibbler".

First of all, father, you need to complete all the preparations for the next issue of "The Quibbler" in the past few days.

On the front page this time, we had to put a photo of Harry Potter to attract readers.

But I have an idea. Only half of the photos are displayed on the front page. If readers want to see the full photos, they have to read the front page article to unlock it.

Is it possible to add such magic?

And some ideas of mine..."

"With these additions, can a sufficient amount of "The Quibbler" be printed at the scheduled time?"

Andre explained some of his thoughts to Xenophilius in detail, and Xenophilius nodded after pondering for a moment.

"If you just add these things, there is no problem, and it can be done relatively easily."

"But now there is a problem. I don't have a clue about the front page article. J. K. Rowling hasn't sent the follow-up chapters of "Harry Potter". I have to write the front page article myself..."

Before the words were finished, a nurse from St. Mungo's Hospital came over with a letter.

"Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood? The front desk just found a letter for you signed by J.K. "The contributors, I don't know how they appeared on the front desk of our place..."

Andre's eyes flickered slightly.

This was exactly what he had packed and placed at the front desk of St. Mungo's Hospital before, and it was delivered at the right time.

Xenophilius heard that the submission was from a friend of JK Rowling, and quickly took the envelope.

After opening it, he looked at the name of the novel and muttered to himself.

"The Witcher?"

Soon, after reading a few lines, Xenophilius' eyes were deeply immersed in the plot of "The Witcher".

Without even reading it, Xenophilius made a conclusion.

"This novel will never be less attractive than "Harry Potter"!"

His eyes almost glowed.

"This is the front page article, so I just need to prepare some other content, and I can finish all the work on time."

Andre took a deep breath, looked at the team members who had already understood the content of the work, and shook his fist vigorously.

"Now that you understand everything, let's start working!"

"I wish "The Quibbler" will be successful in three days!"

(End of this chapter)

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