The Great Writers of Hogwarts

Chapter 14 J. K. Rowling is to apologize

Chapter 14 J. K. Rowling is to apologize

The faces of everyone in the Potter Research Society were distorted, their teeth were gritted, and the lightning-like scar branded on their foreheads also became hideous and distorted.

They can't tolerate someone making profit through Harry Potter.

Except for believers like them, any act of profiting under the banner of Harry Potter is a blasphemy against the savior!
"This guy named J.K. Rowling, she wrote articles related to Harry Potter and didn't even submit an application for us, let alone pay us a fee."

"Who gave her the courage? She certainly didn't have a lightning scar branded on her forehead, so why did she go over us to publish articles about Harry Potter?"

"She is trampling on our authority in Harry Potter research and violating the rights belonging to the Potter Research Society!"

"We are the most loyal admirers of Harry Potter, we are preachers of the miracle of Harry Potter, we have been conducting Harry Potter research for ten years, and each of us has a scar on our forehead...

Harry Potter, Harry Potter is ours! "

"Harry Potter" belonged to them, but this thought seemed absurd to others, but it was the heartfelt feeling of everyone in the Potter Research Association.

Their organization was established ten years ago. At first, some Harry Potter admirers gathered to exchange their own stories about the savior.

Ten years ago, this research meeting hardly involved any money, at most, everyone took turns paying for the refreshments at the exchange meeting.

But soon, they discovered the huge business opportunity that "faith" Harry Potter could obtain.

After the war, a large number of wizards who had followed Voldemort donated money and goods everywhere in order to save themselves from being liquidated, including the famous pure-blood nobles such as the Malfoy family.

So besides donating money to the Ministry of Magic, what better way to take a stand than donating money to the savior of "Harry Potter"?
But Harry Potter himself has disappeared without a trace, and no one knows his whereabouts. Naturally, they have no way to find Harry Potter to donate.

When the reckoning became more and more urgent, they could only find the symbol of "Harry Potter" to donate, and any person or organization related to Harry Potter received a large donation.

The newly established Potter Research Association is one of the favorites, and a large number of Galleons are pouring in like flowing water.

That is a wealth that many wizards can't imagine in their entire lives!

At first they were able to maintain their purity, insisting on disclosing their expenses, arguing that all funds should be used to promote the Boy Who Lived.

And if Harry Potter returns to the wizarding world, then this fund should be used to compensate Harry Potter, and the savior must not be deprived of food and clothing.

But soon, some small but reasonable suggestions were made.

"Since we already have funds, it's not easy for us to continue communicating at home. We need a grand venue, right?"

"We are the Potter Research Association, and we also represent the face of the savior. The decoration of the venue must be elegant, and it must match the status of the pure-blooded Potter family."

"Also everyone is so thirsty every time they study, drinking some good tea and eating some good snacks will not cost you a lot of money. This is also to have more energy to study the savior."

So step by step, each of them became respectable by relying on the Potter Research Association, and all of them resigned from their jobs to make a living exclusively by studying Potter.

For ten years, the Harry Potter symbol has been their cash cow!

Now when they were planning to make a fortune on the tenth anniversary of Harry Potter's birth, they were slapped with "Harry Potter" by "The Quibbler".

For those who call themselves Harry Potter "orthodox believers", this kind of behavior is already unforgivable.

"The Quibbler has to pay!"

While everyone in the Porter Research Association was extremely annoyed, Rita Skeeter was repairing the torn "The Quibbler" and reading the article that had a huge response from many readers.

At first, Rita Skeeter didn't think that a third-rate magazine could publish any good articles.

It can cause huge repercussions, nothing more than creating some gimmicks to attract people's attention.

As a reporter who was one step closer to becoming the ace contributor of the "Daily Prophet", Rita Skeeter read it with a superior scrutiny attitude.

But soon, when she came back to her senses again and found that she had submerged in it unknowingly, her arrogance and disdain had disappeared.

Rita Skeeter was a little dazed.

How long has it been since I felt this way while reading?
The last time seemed to be when I was studying in the Hogwarts library. At that age, I was greedily curious about every legend and biography, and immersed myself in the joy of reading.

Because of this, I chose to engage in literary work after graduation.

But when something you love becomes a job, everything changes.

All words must be converted into money as quickly as possible, every word must stimulate the reader's eyeballs, manipulate their emotions, and form a wide range of attention...

Rita Skeeter never returned on this road. She spent sleepless nights studying how to make gimmicks, how to make hot spots, how to take out of context interviews to form the most controversial articles...

She even spent a lot of money to order a shorthand quill, pouring all the skills she has practiced over the years into it, so that anything written with this pen can automatically distort the facts into the most eye-catching appearance.

She came here step by step like this, and became a famous reporter, only one step away from being the ace contributor of the "Daily Prophet".

"It is a necessary sacrifice to use words to survive and to be decent."

Rita Skeeter took this as a reason to convince herself.

But today, when she saw "Harry Potter" published in "The Quibbler", she was shocked to find that what attracted her was not a gimmick, but a good story that was attractive in itself.

Fresh writing, fluent writing, and interesting stories, this man named J.K. Rowling defeated her like this.

It even convinced her herself!

Rita Skeeter looked dazed, feeling great confusion welling up in her heart.

"am I wrong?"

"Am I writing the article the wrong way?"

"Is my creative concept wrong too?"

At this moment, a "Potter expert" from the Potter Research Society shook Rita Skeeter's shoulders vigorously.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

"We've called you so many times, fight back, we need to fight back!"

Rita Skeeter nodded in a daze.

"Fight back, oh yes, fight back, you have to fight back."

The "Potter expert" asked her.

"Can you write a better article than the one above in The Quibbler?"

"It's ok, you're Rita Skeeter, everyone says your articles are the most eye-catching!"

Rita Skeeter froze for a moment, the man's voice echoed in her mind.

"Can I write a better article than this?"

"Better Articles..."

Her face gradually turned pale, she pursed her lips, stood up, and walked straight out of the Potter Research Institute.

"I can't write."

"Please ask Gao Ming."

After Rita Skeeter's strange departure, everyone in the Potter Research Society was outraged.

"What kind of reporter can't even suppress an article from a third-rate magazine?"

"The Galleons given to her are all in vain, and they didn't get anything!"

"So what now, Rita Skeeter can't write an article to fight back, so how will the Quibbler know what a blasphemy they have committed?"

Moments later, a "Porter expert" offered his opinion.

"So what if the article is full of flowers?"

"Writing that the savior was adopted by Muggles is disrespectful to the savior. He should be adopted by the most knowledgeable wizards, should be adopted by the most noble families, and will not return to the vision of the wizarding world until Hogwarts enrolls.

We should tell those who funded us, mobilize them, and use a huge momentum to make the entire wizarding world criticize "The Quibbler". "

"I've already thought about the reason--

The emptiness of history, the blasphemy of the savior, and the defilement of people's simple emotions for the savior...

Adaptation is not random editing, and the wizarding world must always be vigilant against the tendency to entertain the Savior. "

"The Quibbler and this man named J.K. Rowling want to apologize to the entire wizarding world!"

(End of this chapter)

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