I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 Rumors

Chapter 90 Rumors
"I know." Hermione, who hadn't spoken the whole time, said first: "Fox is a phoenix. It is Dumbledore's pet. It has extraordinary magical abilities and can be reborn after death."

"You're absolutely right. So, Harry, what I want to ask is, how did Dumbledore tame such a powerful magical animal?"

"You mean?" Harry stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, Dumbledore can communicate with phoenixes, just as you can communicate with snakes."

"Ke Ke is not a phoenix, I..."

"What's wrong with the phoenix, isn't it a magical creature? If you are still struggling with this, then you can only say that your vision is too narrow. I hope you will not let down your talent, make good use of it, and your achievements in the future may be Not worse than Dumbledore." Orlando patted him on the shoulder vigorously. "Think about it, Harry, and don't make a hasty decision because of the setbacks in front of you."

Ron hesitated to speak, his face flushed, and he really wanted to tell Harry loudly, "The Great Demon Lord Voldemort is also a Parseltongue."

Hermione on the side seemed to have sensed his intentions, and kept winking at him.

"So now the whole school knows that I'm a Parseltongue?" Orlando's words seemed to make Harry feel better, at least he didn't hate Parseltongue as much as in the original book.

"Not only that, but you will also be said to be the descendant of Slytherin." Hermione, who is familiar with the history of Hogwarts school, whispered.

"What? That's impossible, I'm a student of Gryffindor College." Harry was like a lion with its hair shattered.

"Because being able to talk to snakes is a famous ability of Salazar Slytherin. Therefore, the symbol of Slytherin House is a snake."

Harry opened his mouth wide, and he seemed to think of something. It was when he entered the school in the first year. The Sorting Hat once suggested that he go to Slytherin, but he refused. "Could it be...," Harry shook his head hard, trying to get this horrible thought out of his head.

"Exactly," said Ron, "now the whole school is going to think you're his great-great-great-grandson or something...."

"But I'm not," said Harry, with a panic he couldn't quite explain.

"You'll find that hard to prove," said Hermione. "He lived about 1000 years ago, and from all that we know, you're probably his descendant, because the Parsels at Hogwarts so far Cavity, you are."

"Hermione, stop talking." Orlando interrupted her.

"What is it? Orlando, why don't you let me tell you?"

"Because knowing some things may not be a good thing, Harry. Having said so much, difficulties are temporary. If you are stuck because of temporary difficulties... forget it, don't talk about it." Orlando patted again. He has a sharp hand, he has said everything that needs to be said, as for how to do it, it is up to him in the end.

"You believe me, don't you?" Harry could already foresee the coming storm, and he looked at Orlando expectantly.

"If we didn't believe you, we wouldn't be standing here and telling you so much now."

"Yes." Hermione said in support of Orlando.

"Harry, don't think too much. Although I don't understand what Orlando said, I think what he said makes sense."

"What do you mean makes sense? It makes sense, right?" Hermione immediately refuted Ron's inaccurate words.

"That's right, so Harry, you can relax." Ron hastily admitted his mistake, he didn't want to provoke a woman in love.

Harry couldn't sleep for hours that night.

Listening to the snoring of others, Harry tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep. Through the gaps in the curtains around the bed, he watched flakes of snowflakes drifting past the windows of the castle, feeling dazed.

Could he be a descendant of Salazar Slytherin?After all, he knew nothing about his father's family.

Mr. and Mrs. Desleys always forbade him to ask about his magical relatives.

Harry quietly tried to speak in Parseltongue, but couldn't get it out.It seemed that he could only do this when he came face to face with a snake.

"But I belong to Gryffindor," thought Harry, "if I had been of Slytherin blood, the Sorting Hat wouldn't have put me here..."

"Haha," said a nasty little voice in his head, "but the Sorting Hat was going to put you in Slytherin, don't you remember?"

Harry covered his head with the pillow, trying to recall Orlando's words, "Talent varies from person to person, there is no such thing as good or bad, if you use it rightly, you will be good, and if you use it evilly, you will be evil." He kept chanting these words in a low voice, comforting himself Said, "I am a good person, I am not a wicked person."

On the other hand, Hermione also didn't sleep well. She was waiting for other people in the dormitory to fall asleep, so that she could try deep meditation, because she felt that she had discovered the powerful secret of Orlando, and she also mastered this secret now. She had Confidence, one day I can be as strong as him.

The way Orlando taught Hermione to meditate was not a whim, but after deliberation. The duel with her this time allowed him to see Hermione's tenacious will and solid magic skills. With these two conditions plus With the magic power accumulated through meditation, Hermione will have strength far beyond her peers when she becomes an adult.

The next morning, the snow that had been falling since the night turned into a violent blizzard.Thus, the last herbal medicine class of the semester was cancelled.

Professor Sprout needs to put socks and scarves on the Mandrake. This is a job that needs to be treated carefully. She is worried about entrusting others to do it, especially Orlando. Since she learned that Orlando raised several After the successive deaths of mandrake plants, Orlando was on her blacklist.

"I didn't think about it either. I fell into a coma at the time and was left unattended. Who knew that I would have died within a few days." Orlando spread his hands in a gesture of innocence.

Hermione laughed with delight, and Harry and Ron laughed too, delighted at seeing Orlando deflated for the first time.

In the common room of Gryffindor, Orlando leaned against the fire and played with the metal figurine in his hand, Hermione snuggled up to him and read a book, and Harry absent-mindedly played wizard chess with Ron.

When one of Ron's bishops threw his knight off his horse again and dragged it off the chessboard, Harry became a little annoyed and dropped the chess piece, shouting distractedly, "No more, no more."

"Harry, you are cheating." Ron was unhappy.

"You dragged me to play. I don't want to play this game. I lose every time. It's meaningless." Harry stood up. There were not many people in the common room, and the students all went outside the castle. Went to play in the snow.

"How about we go to a snowball fight?" Hermione put down her book and suggested.

"Let's forget it." Harry sat back on the chair in frustration. Now the whole school is rumored that he is the descendant of Slytherin, and people will walk around him when they see him.

"If you take this matter so seriously, go find Justin and explain it to me. I want to clarify the matter and the misunderstanding will be resolved." Hermione couldn't bear to see him give such an idea.

"Can it work?" Harry looked up at her.

"I think so." Ron said without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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