I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 63 Ghost Horse Warrior

Chapter 63 Ghost Horse Warrior
The sudden situation caused the ghosts to remain silent at first, and then they applauded enthusiastically after they realized it.

Harry, Ron and Hermione, affected by this, also applauded.

Nick had a bitter face, not knowing what to say.

The ghost horse warrior walked up to him and raised his head high.

"Nick!" he yelled. "How are you? Is the head still there?" He let out a savage laugh and patted Nearly Headless Nick on the shoulder.

"Welcome, Patrick," Nick said stiffly.

"Living people?" Mr. Patrick saw Orlando, Harry, Ron and Hermione at a glance. He jumped up high in feigned surprise, but his head fell down again, causing everyone to laugh.

Orlando picked up his head without a trace and handed it to him.

"Aren't you scared?" Patrick asked depressedly, he wanted to scare these children.

"Mr. Soul of War, I think you must have been an upright warrior before your death." Orlando said unhurriedly.

"Oh, that's strange, how do you know? Who is this little guy?" Patrick turned to look at the headless Nick.

"This is what I told you about, Orlando Bloom the Ghost."

"It's him?" Patrick restrained his joking heart and gave a chest salute.

"Dear Messenger, please forgive Patrick's rudeness!"

"Hello, Mr. Patrick, those who don't know are not surprised. Besides, you are just joking, and you can't talk about being rude." Orlando also bowed back.

Harry, Ron and Hermione watched this scene in shock - the ghost was begging the forgiveness of the living, which was completely beyond their comprehension.

"Gentlemen, if you don't mind, I think it's time for me to speak."

"You are welcome, Mr. Nick." Orlando nodded, signaling him to be free.

Headless Nick strode to the podium and into a cold blue spotlight.

"Master Messenger, please don't mind. Headless Nick is upset because we didn't let him join the Hunter team! If you are free that day, you can visit our club."

Orlando smiled and nodded, "Please don't call me Messenger, you can call me Orlando."

At this time, other members of the Headless Hunter team were calling Patrick's name.

"Okay, Orlando, have a good time."

"You too, Mister Battle Soul."

"Orlando, you're amazing." Hermione looked adoring, it was the first time she had seen a ghost show such respect to a human being.

"How did you do it, Orlando?" Ron was envious, and he fantasized that one day he could do the same.

"How should I put it? Maybe it's because my talisman restrains the undead!"

"Is this the blessing on my body?" Harry asked, rubbing his chest.

"Didn't you just experience it, all ghosts that come into contact with you will be hurt."

"So, with this, we don't have to be afraid of ghosts?" Ron wanted to try.

"You'd better not take the initiative to provoke them. Ping'an Fu is also time-sensitive, not omnipotent." Orlando warned, knowing that there are hundreds of ghosts here, some of them are high-level ghosts. To deal with ordinary ghosts, Ping Anfu It still has some effect. Ping Anfu is useless to deal with high-level ghosts.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ron gave up on experimenting with ghosts, and he had to take Orlando's warning seriously.

In the short time of speaking, the lights on the stage were turned on, and the lights in other places were dimmed, leaving only a blue spotlight shining on the headless Nick.

I just heard him shout loudly: "Please pay attention, now I will start to speak." There was a roar of laughter from the audience, "My late Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have great respect for you. sad..."

Orlando heard only the first few words, they were standing out of the way, and Mr. Patrick and his Headless Hunters were playing a game of overhead hockey.Everyone was watching, and every time a goal was scored, it caused deafening shouts from the audience, and the loud voices directly drowned out the headless Nick's speech.

Ron is very interested in this kind of hockey game, he watched it with great interest, if Harry hadn't pulled him, he would have almost squeezed in, "Be careful, Ron, you have Ping An Fu, if you accidentally touch Ghosts, there will be big troubles." Harry said with lingering fear.

Ron scratched his head and looked at Orlando embarrassedly.

"The time for the talisman is almost up, let's go back." Orlando said, seeing the souls of different ghosts, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and we can go back.

"Ah, let's go back now?" Ron said unsatisfactorily.

"Why don't you stay here, let's go back first." Hermione wanted to leave a long time ago, but she was too embarrassed to say so.

"No, I'll stay with you."

At this time, the band began to play again, and the ghosts and ghosts returned to the dance floor in a fluttering manner.

"Let's go." Harry tugged on Ron's sleeve, and the two reluctantly followed Orlando's footsteps.

Through the dark corridor, Orlando led the way to the steps leading to the hall, followed by Hermione, and here she was less nervous and frightened.

At this time, Harry's exclamation suddenly came from behind, Ron stopped in his tracks, and hurriedly called Orlando.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Orlando jumped a few meters away.

Harry staggered to his feet from the steps, and said eagerly, "Orlando, what voice is it, did you hear it?"

"Sounds?" Orlando listened intently, looking around, squinting his eyes and looking up and down the dimly lit corridors, making sure that there were no other sounds except the crackling of candles and the beating of everyone's hearts.

Harry looked at him expectantly, and Ron and Hermione also held their breath.

After a moment, Orlando shook his head.

"Harry, could it be that you are hallucinating." Hermione asked worriedly.

Impossible, this is not the first time, the same cold, murderous voice, as if saying in your ear: "Tear you. Tear you. Kill you"

When Harry said this, his face was ferocious and terrifying, which made Ron stagger in fright, "Harry, today is Halloween, not April Fool's Day."

"I'm not joking, Ron, I'm stating a fact," Harry growled.

"Calm down Harry, there must be something staring at you." Although he knew it was a basilisk, Orlando didn't have a Parseltongue and couldn't understand Parseltongue. He couldn't judge what the basilisk was trying to do.

"Then what to do, Orlando, think of a way." Ever since experiencing the troll incident, Hermione has had an inexplicable dependence on Orlando. Whenever she encounters a problem, she naturally wants to ask He asks for help.

"Hermione, go back to the castle first."

(End of this chapter)

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