I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 61 Ghost Envoy

Chapter 61 Ghost Envoy

"Oh, and you, respected Lord Ghost Messenger, it is my great honor that you can come to my death anniversary dinner."

He took off his feathered hat and bowed them in.

"Ghost messenger? Orlando, when did you become a messenger?" Hermione asked curiously.

Orlando shrugged and said: "On the first day of school, do you still remember that you were teased by Peeves, and you got wet all over your body? Give me such a title."

"It sounds very domineering." Ron said yearningly.

"He's a living person, isn't it good to call him that?" After living in Muggle time for ten years, Harry still had some secular habits that were unavoidable.

"It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as it's not an enemy." Orlando said indifferently.

Walking into the lobby, the sight is unbelievable.

The dungeon was filled with hundreds of milky, translucent figures, most of whom roamed the crowded dance floor, waltzing and playing music to the eerie, quivering sounds of thirty musical saws. Saw's band sat on a black-clothed stage.

A thousand candles were also lit in a chandelier overhead, casting a midnight blue light that reflected the ceiling like dark space.

Harry took a deep breath. The physique of the three of them was not as strong as Orlando's. The strong temperature difference made them shiver. The breath they exhaled turned into white mist and swirled in front of them, as if they had entered a cold room.

"Orlando, aren't you cold?" Ron asked stomping his feet.

"Cold? I can already prevent the cold and heat from invading. This temperature is not enough for me to threaten." Orlando said proudly, years of unremitting body training now showed his advantages.

"Shall we look around? It's too cold in here," suggested Harry, trying to warm his feet.

"Wait," Orlando reached into his bosom, and secretly took out a few talismans from the psychic bracelet. These are the blessings for exorcising evil and avoiding ghosts. They belong to low-level talismans. Just right.

"One for each person, stick it on the chest." Orlando handed it to everyone.

"What's this for?" Ron asked.

"Put it on and you'll know." Orlando didn't want to explain, and he didn't understand it.

"Hey, it's amazing, I don't feel the cold anymore." Hermione posted Ping An Fu without hesitation, and immediately felt the difference.

"Me too." Harry said in surprise.

Ron quickly posted it too, "Such a good thing, Orlando, you should have brought it out sooner."

Orlando rolled his eyes at him, ignoring this fool.

"Ghosts gather here, and the yin and cold air is too heavy, which is not good for strangers. If a living person stays here for a long time, they will get seriously ill at least, or die at worst. Ping Anfu can dispel yin and avoid cold, exorcise evil spirits and ghosts, and can guarantee your safety. It's safe, so don't take it off until you get out of here." In view of Harry and Ron's curiosity, Orlando had to emphasize the seriousness of the matter.

With the blessing of Ping Anfu, several people became more courageous. They were no longer confined to following Orlando's footsteps, and began to walk around curiously.

"Be careful, don't pass through anyone's body." Ron said nervously, clutching Ping Anfu on his chest.

They walked slowly around the edge of the dance floor, past a group of sullen nuns, and saw a ragged man in chains.

Orlando quietly condensed magic power into his eyes, and cast a spell in a low voice: "Dharma Eye, open."In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he pulled up the hat behind the cloak to cover his forehead.

At this moment, a fat friar, the ghost of Hufflepuff, with a lively and cheerful disposition, was talking to a knight with an arrow in his forehead.Feeling abnormal, he turned his head to look at Orlando. Hermione, who was about to ask something, took a step forward in time and stood in front of Orlando.

"Orlando, what are you doing?" Hermione asked in a low voice when the ghost turned around and continued chatting.

"It's just curiosity, it's okay." Orlando opened his eyes and looked around, as if he saw something interesting, he couldn't help but wonder, "So that's it."

Harry, who heard the voice, looked curiously in the direction Orlando was looking at. It was the bloody Barrow, which he expected.The Bloody Baron was the ghost of Slytherin, scrawny, staring-eyed, and covered in silver blood, and the other ghosts were making room for him.


"Don't you think it's scary?" The bloody Baron, covered in blood and with dull eyes, was more terrifying to Harry than the headless Nick.

"It's a little bit, hey, he's walking towards us." As if sensing Orlando and the others, the Bloody Barrow turned around and walked straight towards them.

The ghosts along the way were unsuspecting and knocked off their feet, but they didn't seem to dare to complain and gave way one after another.

"He rushed towards us?" Ron hurriedly retreated behind Orlando.

"What is he going to do?" Hermione asked.

"Don't panic, stay put." Seeing that Ron was about to escape, Orlando hurriedly stopped him.

After a while, the bloody Baro came over, and bowed slightly with one hand on his chest, "Master Ghost Messenger?"

"It's me, Orlando Bloom."

"I always hear about your legend. It is a great honor to see you today, the Bloody Baro."

"You are too kind, Mr. Barrow."

"I hope you have a good time playing. Of course, it would be even better if you can take back your magic and not spy on our bodies." Bloody Baro said expressionlessly.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I was curious for a while, and I didn't intend to offend." Orlando pinched the magic judgment, retracted the magic eye, and said.

"Thank you for your understanding, Lord Ghost Messenger." The bloody Baro bowed again, then turned and left.

"Orlando, what did you do?" Harry asked curiously, and Ron and Hermione surrounded him, also wanting to know.

"Well, I used a detection magic, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the bloody Baro."

"You are really brave. I dare not make too much noise when I walk, for fear of disturbing these undead." Hermione said with lingering fear.

"Stop talking about that, they're starting to have a meal, let's go and have a look." No matter where it is, Orlando can't resist the temptation of food, even if it's the food of the undead, he is very interested in taking a look.

"Look, something to eat!" said Ron.

At the other end of the dungeon was a long desk, also covered with black velvet.

Orlando walked in front, followed by Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They walked forward quickly, and then stopped in horror, the smell was too bad.

Orlando glanced at the table, and then lost his appetite. This was the most disgusting dinner he had ever seen. There were huge chunks of rotting meat on beautiful silver plates, black and charred. Cakes were stacked on large trays; there was a mass of maggot-infested haggis, a cheese covered in green hair.

(End of this chapter)

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