I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Punishment for being late

Chapter 54 Punishment for being late

"No need, professor, we can take care of a little thing, if you have something to do, go ahead." Orlando really didn't want to deal with this guy, it was too fake.

"Oh, oh, if you need any help, just come to me, you know where I am. Well, good-bye!" And with that, he strode toward the castle like a mouse to a cat.

"What is he doing here?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Whatever, just don't mess with me." Orlando shrugged.

"Nothing good." Ron belched again, he was now like a dehydrated caterpillar, and his words were weak.

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Ever since the elf incident, Hermione hadn't admired Lockhart that much, and she seemed a little disillusioned.

Harry walked to Hagrid's door and knocked urgently.

Hearing the knock on the door, Hagrid opened the door immediately with a look of anger on his face, but when he saw that they were outside the door, he immediately smiled again.

"I've been thinking about when you will come to see me? Come in, come in, I thought Professor Lockhart was back just now."

Harry and Hermione helped Ron across the threshold into the cottage, with a king-size bed in one corner and a fire crackling merrily on the other.

Harry helped Ron sit on the chair, and eagerly told Hagrid about Ron's spitting of snot. After listening to Harry's narration and looking at Ron's state, Hagrid didn't seem too worried.

Orlando looked around with interest. He noticed that the pink umbrella was leaning against the back wall of the hut, and the magic power radiated from the umbrella fluctuated. Orlando knew that this umbrella was by no means as ordinary as it seemed.

In fact, he was very suspicious that Hagrid's old school wand was hidden in the umbrella.You know, everyone knows that Hagrid can't use magic. He was expelled from school in the third year, and his wand was broken because of it.

Hagrid looked at Orlando nervously, his eyes full of pleading.Orlando shifted his gaze indistinctly, then knelt down and stroked Fangya's head. Fangya has always maintained a high level of vigilance towards strangers. Just when it was about to bite him with bared teeth, Orlando had an idea and cast his soul magic. The psychic turned green directly, and he didn't see any extra movements, Yaya crawled obediently on the ground, letting Orlando stroke its head.

Hagrid, who was about to stop Yaya, saw this scene, and scratched his disheveled hair with his hand in puzzlement, "It's really strange, how come Yaya has become so easy to get along with today."

"Can you give me a glass of water?" Ron was dying of thirst, but no one seemed to care about him after entering the house.

"Here it is." Hagrid hurriedly picked up the kettle from the fire, poured out a large bowl and handed it to Harry. Harry helped Ron to let him drink. After drinking three bowls in a row, Ron felt better.

"Would you like tea, I'll boil some tea for you." Hagrid was busy making tea for them.His big hound Yaya was already sleeping comfortably, drooling all over the floor.

"What's Lockhart doing here, Hagrid?" Harry asked, scratching Fang's ear, following Orlando's example.

"Teach me how to keep a nyx from getting into a well," said Hagrid angrily, taking a half-plucked rooster from the well-scrubbed table and setting it on the teapot, "as if I didn't know Bragging about how he got rid of female ghosts. If one of them is true, I'll eat the teapot."

Then he seemed to think of something again, and said happily to Orlando: "I heard that, it's so happy, the only pity is that I couldn't shake this guy into an idiot."

It wasn't Hagrid at all to criticize the teachers at Hogwarts, and Harry looked at him in surprise.Hermione said in a slightly higher voice than usual, "I think you're being a little unfair, Professor Dumbledore obviously thinks he's the most suitable man."

"The only one," said Hagrid, serving them a plate of fudge, and Orlando tried one, and it was fine, smelling like camel.

"I mean the only one. It's very difficult to find a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher these days. People don't want to do it. They think it's an unlucky job. No one does it for long." Hagrid picked up the plate and motioned to everyone. taste it.

Harry and Hermione saw Orlando eat it, so they also tasted it.

"Can you give me one." Ron regained his strength after drinking water, and now he felt a little hungry.

Hermione grabbed a handful of fudge and put it in his hand, and Ron started to regain some strength after eating.

When everyone saw that he was fine, they were relieved.

"Who is he trying to curse?" Hagrid asked Harry, handing the brewed tea to the crowd.

"Malfoy called Hermione something, which must have been a nasty thing, because everyone was so pissed off."

"Very nasty," Ron said hoarsely, poking his head out over the edge of the table, his face still a little pale.

"Malfoy called her 'Mudblood' Hagrid—" Ron continued, taking a sip of hot tea and taking a breath.

Hagrid looked indignant, "Is this true?" he growled, looking at Hermione.

"Yes," she said, "but I don't know what that means. Of course, I can hear it being very rude..."

"That's the most insulting thing he could think of," said Ron, panting again, peeking out his head again. "A Mudblood is a slur for Muggle-borns—that is, people whose parents don't know magic." .Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel they are superior to others because they are so-called purebreds."

"Orlando, you are also from a Muggle family, so you didn't beat them up?" Hagrid shouted angrily.

"Orlando arrived afterwards, he wasn't there at the time." Harry added hastily.

"Then you shouldn't let them go, you should beat them hard." Hagrid was furious, wishing he had been there.

"They didn't dare to say this in front of Orlando. Didn't you see that Malfoy saw Orlando like a cat and a mouse, respectful, and bowed 'Master Orlando' from a distance." Ron said angrily.

"Okay, Ron. Strength has nothing to do with birth. When you are strong enough, you can be fearless of any identity, so it all stems from your not being strong enough. If you want to be respected, you must have abilities far beyond the ordinary. Human strength, instead of complaining about yourself, it is better to work hard and make yourself stronger."

On the one hand, Ron was annoyed because Orlando did not avenge him, and on the other hand, he was grateful to him for curing himself with the elixir, so when Orlando spoke, he stopped complaining.

"Orlando is right. We need to be strong. Only when we are strong can Malfoy dare not humiliate us like this." Hermione clenched her fists, determined to work harder.

"Let's work hard together, Hermione." Hearing this, Harry said excitedly.

"And me." Several friends said so, and Ron was not far behind.

"Harry," Hagrid seemed to think of something suddenly, "I want to settle accounts with you. I heard that you sent a signed photo, and you Orlando, why didn't I get it?"

Harry was furious and shouted, "I didn't send the signed photo," he protested fiercely, "That's a rumor spread by Lockhart, if you don't believe me ask Orlando, he was there."

"I'm just kidding, to lighten the mood, I know you're not this kind of people." He patted Harry affectionately on the back, until Harry's face almost hit the table.

"Okay, Harry, I think you can post some autographed photos. After all, you need to be famous as soon as possible. Maybe ten or twenty years later, your autographed photos will be sold for a lot of money." Orlando joked.

"Really? Orlando." Ron looked at him with bright eyes after hearing this.

"It's very possible, Ron, that you don't think this is a good time to invest."

"You guys." Harry sat up straight, not knowing what to say.

"Just kidding, Harry, don't mind. Of course, the joke is probably true, so you don't think about it?"

"You still say?" Harry was thoroughly annoyed.

"Which of you wants tea? How about some more fudge?" said Hagrid, pouring out tea.

After drinking tea, Ron, who had rested, became lively again.Hagrid couldn't wait to say, "Come and see what I planted."

In the vegetable field behind the hut, twelve large pumpkins grew.Orlando and the others had never seen such a big pumpkin, each half as tall as a person.

"Not bad looking, isn't it?" said Hagrid gleefully. "It's for the Hallowe'en feast. It'll be big enough then."

"What did you fertilize them with?" Harry asked.

Hagrid looked left and right to see if anyone was there. "Hey, I gave them a little — how should I say it? A little help."

Orlando walked around the big pumpkin, "Very good expansion spell, Hagrid."

"Did you see it at a glance?"

"The next time you cast this spell, it's best to divide it into several times. The output of magic power will be reduced by half each time you cast the spell, so that the pumpkins that grow will not have such obvious traces of magic cast."

"Can it still be like this?" Hagrid scratched his head and said.

It was almost lunch time, and Harry had only had a little fudge since early morning, so he was determined to go back to school for dinner.The men said goodbye to Hagrid and walked back to the castle together.

As soon as he stepped into the door of the restaurant, he heard a voice behind him.

"You are back, Potter and Weasley," Professor McGonagall walked towards them with a straight face, "You two stay tonight."

"What are we going to do, Professor?" Ron asked, holding back a hiccup nervously.

"In view of your violation of the school rules, it is now decided that you will be punished. You go and help Mr. Filch polish the silver in the prize room," said Professor McGonagall. "No magic, Weasley—all of it." Hand rub."

Ron gasped. The janitor Filch was hated by all the students, and he was no exception.

"As for you, Potter, you go and help Professor Lockhart answer his admirer's letter," said Professor McGonagall.

"Oh, no, can I wipe the prize too?" Harry begged desperately.

"Of course not. This is a punishment for your reckless behavior. There are no conditions." Professor McGonagall raised his eyebrows, as if trying to suppress a smile. "Professor Lockhart called you by name. Eight o'clock sharp at night, remember, both of you."

Ron and Harry looked at Orlando desperately, hoping that he could plead for mercy.

"Professor, I think it would be better for them to exchange punishment methods." Receiving Harry and Ron's eyes, Orlando said bravely.

"Oh, really? I don't think so. I think this is already the most lenient treatment for them, or do you think they should be punished more severely?" Professor McGonagall looked at Orlando sharply.


"No, no, professor, we accept the punishment, we accept the punishment." Ron hurriedly explained when he heard that he wanted a heavier punishment.

"That's good, remember the time, don't forget." After speaking, he went to the faculty seat.

Harry and Ron followed Orlando dejectedly into the Great Hall, while Hermione remained silent, with an expression on her face that seemed to say, "You did break the school rules."

"Filch is killing me," Ron said sadly. "No magic, there are at least a hundred trophies in that room, and I'm not as good at scrubbing as Muggles."

"I'd trade with you anytime," said Harry listlessly. "I did a lot of scrubbing and scrubbing at the Dursleys. But writing back to Lockhart's admirers. A nightmare...”

"Okay, you two are really serious. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. It's okay. Hurry up and eat, and you will have the strength to work when you are full." Orlando was thrown behind him in an instant.

"It's easy for you to say, but it's not you who was punished." Ron said dissatisfied.

"That's right, that was a nightmare, you know? I couldn't hide in time." Harry said bitterly.

"Orlando, you have done too much, you should find a way." Seeing the punishment of the two little friends, Hermione couldn't bear it.

"There is no way."

"Really, what way?" Harry suddenly became happy, and Orlando suddenly became omnipotent in his heart.

"I'll get you an automatic writing machine, all you need to do is move your fingers. As for Ron, a domestic robot is enough, I think."

"Really? Orlando." Ron revived with full blood.

"Of course it's true. Otherwise, how do you think I've answered so many letters?"

"I mean a domestic robot?" Ron asked nervously.

"It's no problem. There are several sets in the teacher's house, so it's not a big problem to borrow one."

Harry and Ron surrounded Olado and gave him a hug one after the other.

"Orlando, you are so kind, I love you to death." Ron exaggeratedly wanted to press his face up, but was pushed aside by Orlando's disgust.

"Okay, okay, you two let go, and I will leave you alone if you are so disgusting."

Hermione laughed from the sidelines.

Saturday afternoon passed without knowing it, and it was five minutes to eight in a flash. With the automatic writing machine Orlando gave him in his arms, Harry walked along the corridor on the third floor to Lockhart's office.Ron was carrying a sack, which contained a domestic robot, which was the alchemy product of Nicole Flamel.

(End of this chapter)

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