I'm a priest at Hogwarts

Chapter 4 Diagon Alley

Chapter 4 Diagon Alley

With that said, he handed back the letter in his hand, and then walked out from the bar.

"Thank you, Mr. Tom." Orlando took the letter and greeted him politely.

"You guys are going to buy items in Diagon Alley."

"Yes, sir, this is my father, and he is going with me today."

Edward politely wanted to shake hands with Tom, but Tom pretended not to see it, turned around and said, "Okay then, please follow me."

Orlando held his father's raised hand, saved his embarrassment, and said, "Dad, let's hurry up, there are a lot of things to buy today."

The angry Edward stopped talking, and a group of three came to the backyard of the bar, where there was only a wall, a trash can and a few empty wine barrels.

"Remember this place," Tom said to Orlando, drawing out a wand.

"Count up three bricks—and then count down two bricks—here it is." Tom turned his head and said to Orlando: "Tap this brick three times with your wand, next time you have your own wand , you can open the door yourself.”

As he spoke, the wand in Tom's hand lightly tapped three times, and the brick shook and began to move. A small hole appeared in the middle, and the hole became bigger and bigger. Not long after, a road appeared in front of them that was big enough for the three of them to move. The wide archway through it leads to a winding cobbled street with no end in sight.

Edward, who saw such a miraculous scene for the first time, grew his mouth.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," said Tom.

"Thank you, Mr. Tom."

"I hope you enjoy your shopping."

With that said, Tom turned and went back to the bar.

Walking in along the archway, the cobblestone-paved streets are lined with commodities that families have never seen before.On the street, there are many wizards and vendors who come and go.

According to Professor McGonagall's instructions, Orlando planned to go to Gringotts to exchange Galleons first.

"Honestly, son. I now regret letting you learn magic."

Looking at the streets with people coming and going, and the people looking at them with strange eyes, Edward said a little depressed.

Edward felt that he did not belong here. The people here looked at them like stray dogs and cats.

"Father, I learn magic to master this magical power, not to live in the magic world."

"That's true. Let's hurry up and go home early after shopping."

Ignoring the gazes of passers-by, the two quickened their pace.

"Gringotts, look here." Orlando pointed to a white building not far away.

"This is it, dwarf?"

At the white Gringotts gate, a short humanoid creature wearing a concierge suit, a pair of long ears, a pointed beard, a dark face and long nails is welcoming guests.

"This is a goblin, Dad, Professor McGonagall mentioned it on the letter." Orlando reminded in a low voice.

"Oh, goblin," Edward responded with a stiff facial expression. This was the first time he had seen such a humanoid creature in his life.

Orlando didn't really care, he just glanced curiously.

The goblin didn't discriminate against them because of their attire. It bowed to them just like other guests.

Edward bowed slightly as a return.

Orlando didn't pay attention to this. He was attracted by the words on the silver-white door, and he read out unconsciously: "Please come in, stranger, but you must be careful what will happen if you are greedy. If you blindly ask for something, you must get something for nothing. will be severely punished..."

Edward pulled Orlando and said, "Son, don't block the gate."

Only then did Orlando notice that the goblin who opened the door was getting impatient.

Smiling apologetically at the goblin, the two hurried to the hall.

Seeing a guest coming to the door, a young fairy walked over among the fairies standing in a row and asked, "Dear guest, what business do you need to handle?"

Edward, who was talking to the goblin for the first time, said a little nervously: "We want to exchange Ga Long."

"It's Garen, Dad." Orlando corrected Edward's slip of the tongue.

"Okay, sir, please come this way." The goblin led the two to a high counter.

Through the window of the counter, Edward saw stacks of gold coins stacked one after another.

The goblin stood on tiptoe and took a piece of parchment from the counter, then handed it to Edward and said, "Dear guest, this is the exchange rate between British Pound and Galleon this month, please take a look."

Edward glanced at it, and every time he understood it, he handed the parchment to Orlando. He thought it was better to leave this kind of matter to his son.


"Father, let's exchange five thousand pounds. I think this money should be enough for me for two years."

Orlando thought about it for a while. Five thousand pounds can probably be exchanged for 1010 Galleons. Considering that he is new to the magic world and cannot come to Gringotts all the time, he should prepare more to be prepared.

"Son, is it a little short?" Mary asked Edward to put all the emergency cash at home into the bag when he went out this time, which was a full [-] pounds.

"That's enough, Dad. I'm here to study, not to travel. I think these 1000 Galleons are enough for my daily study and life."

"Well, you have been very assertive since you were a child, so Dad will listen to you."

Edward took out two stacks of banknotes from his bag, counted them with saliva on them, and after confirming that the amount was correct, he handed it to the goblin waiting by the counter and said, "Exchange for £5000, thank you."

After a while, the goblin took out a large leather bag from the counter window, put it in Edward's hand, and said, "Dear guest, you can take a count. Here are 1009 Galleons, 7 Sickles, and 9 Nats. We only One-thousandth of the handling fee was charged."

"I didn't expect it to be a gold coin." Edward played with Garen on his fingertips and couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing that the two confirmed that the number of Galleons was correct, the goblin continued: "Dear guest, Gringotts provides storage services, and you can enjoy your own exclusive account with only a fee of [-] per thousand. May I ask you? Do you need to do it?"

"Thank you, I don't need it for now." Orlando helped his father collect the money, and replied politely.

"Okay, sir, if you have other needs, you can call me at any time." The goblin bowed politely, took two steps back slowly, and walked away.

The two left Gringotts with Garen.

The bright sunshine makes people walk briskly, and the crisp gold coins jingle and collide with each other, making an incomparably pleasant sound.

"I swear, it was the biggest mistake for humans to create banknotes." Edward couldn't help feeling that he didn't feel this way when he had [-] pounds in his arms.

"Dad, that's your illusion." Orlando replied with a smile.

"What are we going to do now, I can't wait to spend the gold coins." Edward said excitedly.

"Let me see, buy the school uniform first, then the wand, and the books"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

Orlando looked at Edward speechlessly. Is this still his steady father? Why does it feel like he is possessed by his mother?

According to the directions of the route, the two found Mrs. Malkin's robe store, which was an old tailor's shop. From the handwriting on the signboard at the door of the store, Orlando could confirm that this store had existed for at least several hundred years.

"Are you going to buy a Hogwarts school uniform, my dear?" Just after entering the tailor shop, a short and fat witch in purple greeted Orlando with a big smile.

"Yes, ma'am, I need three sets of plain black work robes, a black peaked hat for daytime wear, a pair of dragon leather protective gloves, and a black winter cloak with silver buttons." Orlando replied politely.

"Okay, my little cutie, it looks like he's a first-year freshman." The witch glanced at Edward at the side, and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, ma'am." Orlando nodded and said, "Excuse me."

"What a polite young man, you can call me Mrs. Malkin. Come on, let me measure your body data for you."

"Stand here."

"Yes, Mrs. Malkin."

With a flick of Mrs. Malkin's finger, the tape measure, pins, and scissors all flew in this direction, and began to automatically measure Orlando's body shape. Edward was dumbfounded at this scene.

Ordering clothes is a complicated process. Fortunately, Madam Malkin's Robe Store is the designated clothing manufacturer of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft, and he knows the specifications and requirements of the school uniform well. Even so, it took a full hour. Mrs. Malkin asked him to prepare the clothes, cloak, and gloves he needed.

"Mrs. Malkin, I would like to ask, if you can pack and sell these leftover dragon skins to me."

Mrs. Malkin looked at Orlando in surprise, then nodded and said: "Dragon skin is a magic material controlled by the Ministry of Magic, but these are leftovers from making dragon leather gloves. Normally, they don't have much use value. Pack it up for you."

Madam Malkin was very generous. She probably thought that this young man who had just entered the magic world was only interested in dragon skins.

"Thank you so much, ma'am."

Mrs. Malkin waved her hand and said with a smile on her face: "Thanks to the review, the total is 93 Galleons and 10 Sickles, and 9 Nats is fine. Give me a round number."

Edward on the side hurriedly counted the money from his pocket and handed it to Madam Malkin.

Twisting the big and small bags out of the tailor shop, the two went to Victor's magic supplies store not far from here, where they bought the pewter crucible, brass balance, brass telescope, glass small Vials, etc., cost less than 10 galleons in total.

Then they visited a pharmacy that smelled acrid of rotten eggs and rotten cabbage leaves.But the pharmacy is very magical, with barrels of sticky things on the floor, jars of herbs, dried grass roots and various brightly colored powders along the walls, bundles of feathers and clusters of spikes hanging from the ceiling. Teeth and furry claws.When Orlando bought a standard dosage of various medicinal powders from the salesperson behind the counter, Edward was staring at the skull of a one-horned buffalo carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he was.

When they walked out of the drugstore, Orlando went over the shopping list carefully.

"Books, wands, and owls. We can go home after Dad buys those."

Edward, who had been overwhelmed by bottles, cans, and bags, had to look back with difficulty, and said, "My God, these are some weird things, do wizard schools teach you these things? Orlando, I I'm starting to regret it, otherwise, you'd better go back with me and go to Cardiff Middle School to study."

Orlando rolled his eyes and said, "Father, you've come this far, why are you going back on your word again?"

Edward muttered, "You should really listen to your mother. Isn't it good to stay at home?"

Ignoring his father's angry words, Orlando took the lead and led the way.

Lihen Bookstore, after checking the list, Orlando said to Edward behind him: "Dad, the bookstore is here."

The bookshelves here are filled with books up to the ceiling, in leather bound books as big as paving slabs, and silk books the size of postage stamps; It is a wordless book.

Orlando, who had an infinite desire for knowledge, really wanted to clean up the books in the bookstore. Considering that he hadn't started magic yet, he had to swallow his saliva and give up this unrealistic idea.

Orlando called the clerk and showed him the list. After a while, the clerk came over with a stack of books. Orlando carefully checked the titles of the books, and after confirming that there were no omissions, Edward hurried out to pay.

The kind shop assistant resold the trolley in the shop to him when he saw that Edward was wearing a large bag and couldn't hold more things.

Pushing the trolley, Edward looked much more relaxed.

Strangely across the street corner, on the south side of Diagon Alley, there is a dark Ella Owl shop. Looking at the mottled door, Edward hesitated and said, "Do you really need to buy an owl?"

"Yes, Dad, that's what it says on the list."

Amidst the flapping wings, Orlando chose a monkey-faced hawk, which is a medium-sized owl from China. Its face plate is flat and heart-shaped. The white facial hair matches the dark chestnut wings, a pair of deep round eyes, and the tip of the beak is yellowish brown.I'll call you "Wukong" from now on, Orlando nodded the monkey-faced eagle's beak and said.

Orlando, who was looking at the owls patronizingly, didn't realize that the careful father bought some more food for the owls when paying.

After leaving the owl store, Orlando let out a long breath. He really couldn't bear the smell of cat feces in the store.

"Son, where are you going now?"

"Go get a wand, Dad, go here."

"Okay." Edward followed behind, pushing the trolley.

The last shop I visited was small and dilapidated, and the gold lettering on the door was peeling off. It read: Ollivander - Fine Wands Since 380 BC.A wand stood alone on a faded purple upholstery in a dusty window.

(End of this chapter)

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