My movie scares global audiences to tears

Chapter 75 "Jurassic Park" is finished!

Chapter 75 "Jurassic Park" is finished!
The closing time of the Wildlife Park in Kailuo City is [-]:[-] pm, but in the past week, people living nearby can always see the flickering lights in the park late at night, hear a chaotic shout, and unknown terror Roar.

But what they didn't know was that a movie was being shot in the park.

The Kailuo Wildlife Park is the largest zoo in the entire Afei country, covering an area of ​​over [-] mu, and the facilities in the park are very complete.

It is precisely because of this that Song Qicai arranged all the scenes in the dinosaur park to be filmed here.

Today is the last day of filming for the crew, and it is the last scene of the crew.

The scene where the heroine, the mathematician, and the lawyer drive to escape the Tyrannosaurus Rex is one of the best scenes in the movie.

"Every unit is in place, one more!"

Song Qi held up a loudspeaker and directed on the spot.

Two jeeps were parked on the main road one after the other, and the camera crew mounted the machine and sat in the car in front, shooting towards the rear.

"Get ready! Come on! Three, two, one, go!"

The vehicle was speeding forward, and the prop group stood on the crane and scattered broken branches and fallen leaves downward, creating an atmosphere of a giant beast attacking.

In the vehicle behind, several actors looked behind in horror, but in fact there was nothing behind them, they were performing against the air.

There is no physical performance, the basic skills of an actor, Song Qi focused on this ability when interviewing actors.

Several actors performed well, and this one was obviously much better than the previous one.

Song Qi returned to the monitor and watched the playback carefully.

Everyone in the crew fell silent, waiting for him to speak.

This is the last shot of the movie, as long as this shot is shot, the movie will be considered complete.

After watching the replay, Song Qi got up satisfied, looked around, raised his hand and announced: "Okay! This one is over! I announce that "Jurassic Park" is officially finished!"


The scene suddenly boiled and cheered everywhere.

Most of the crew members are old employees who filmed "Snake God Apep" last time, but the shooting of "Jurassic Park" is much more difficult than "Snake God Apep".

In the early stage, I went to a deserted island to eat and sleep in the wind, and later returned to the land. The work intensity was even greater. I could only sleep five or six hours a day, and the employees were already miserable.

After waiting for so long, it finally came to an end, and everyone was very excited.

Finally got a good night's sleep!
Song Qi knew everyone's thoughts, so he didn't talk nonsense, and directly announced: "Everyone! Call it a day! Go back and get a good sleep. I'll treat everyone to dinner tomorrow!"

"Thank you Director!"

"Long live the director!"

Everyone cheered and couldn't wait to finish their work.

Sitting on the director's chair, Song Qi looked at the joyful crowd, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and slowly spit it out.

This movie is the most tiring one he has made. If he is tired, he is more tired than everyone else.

In addition to the movie, he was still staring at the development of Miracle Island and the acquisition of shares in domestic small theater chains, and his heart was about to break.

Moreover, the shooting of "Jurassic Park" is much more difficult than the previous films. The simple scenes are much more complicated than the previous films, and he was exhausted physically and mentally.

But the effort is always worth it, he finally finished filming all the scenes before the end of the year.

The focus of the next work is post-production special effects.

Having a special effects studio is a good thing for Song Qi, as he can save a lot of time.

After the shooting, he handed over the lens material that needs special effects to the special effects artists in the special effects studio.

Although the castrated version of the software they used was not as efficient as Song Qi's system, it was better in automation and Song Qi didn't need to work on it himself.

He can use this time to do many things of his own, such as cutting the ribbon for the Apepu Temple in Jinsha City.

In the past six months, "Snake God Apep" has not been released, and it still contributes considerable box office every day.

And the legend about the snake god Apepu has never disappeared. Every now and then someone will jump out and claim that they have seen the snake god Apepu. They have a nose and eyes, but when interviewed by reporters, they can’t come up with strong evidence. It provoked a crowd of ridicule.

But similar rumors have been repeatedly banned, which shows that this kind of topic is in demand, and people like this kind of topic very much.

In the past six months, tens of millions of tourists from overseas have shown this point.

The tax revenue of the Gango Province in the past six months is the figure only in the past three years, which is the main reason why Najido is willing to spend huge sums of money to build the snake god Apepu Temple in Jinsha City.

And Mossad has long been irritated by Najido's state of lying down and making money, and asked Song Qi more than once when he will shoot a movie related to Kailuo City, and let him lie down and make a lot of money.

Song Qi has been busy filming and didn't have time to reply to him. This time, he just took the opportunity to meet him and finalized a rough cooperation intention.

Mossad wants to convince Pharaoh to finalize the tourist route with Kailuo City as the core, and complete the development and build the infrastructure in two to three years, while Song Qi will shoot a movie within three years to promote Kailuo City culture, drainage for tourist routes.

January passed in a blink of an eye, and the post-production special effects of "Jurassic Park" were almost done.

Even the castrated version of the software is far superior in efficiency and quality to all post-production software on the market. Even if there is a slight flaw, Song Qi only needs to adjust it secretly, and it can immediately turn decay into magic.

There are currently more than [-] special effects artists in the studio, and they are all professional post-production technicians hired by Xiaoma from various channels.

After entering the studio, none of them mentioned leaving.

What makes them so loyal is not the salary 20% higher than that of their peers, but the studio's unique "Miracle 1" software.

This is the most powerful software they have ever seen in their careers. The rich and exaggerated material library and the simple and almost fool-like operation functions make them feel that the skills they have studied for half a lifetime seem to be for nothing.

They are all experts, and they are very clear that such a powerful software will definitely make Miracle Studio the top post-production special effects studio in the world, so as long as they have a brain, they will not leave their jobs, and will do everything possible to stay. in the studio.

In mid-January, Song Qi boarded the flight back home.

A year ago, he left Great Xia Kingdom with Xiao Ma and Xiao Ran.

At that time, he only had tens of thousands of savings, and nothing else.

And just one year later, he returned to the Great Xia Kingdom alone, but this time, he came back with his work.

This time, no one can force him to leave again!

After returning home, Song Qi got busy as soon as he got off the plane.

He had already sent the samples to Xiao Ran in advance, and asked Xiao Ran to send the samples for review.

Soon, the review was passed, and the level of "Jurassic Park" was also announced.

To Song Qi's surprise, the movie was actually rated as protected.

The so-called protection level means that children under the age of 6 are not allowed to watch movies, and children over the age of 6 and under the age of 12 must watch movies accompanied by parents, teachers or adult relatives and friends.

This made Song Qi a little surprised. He originally thought that this movie must be at least a 12-level restriction, but he didn't expect it to be rated as a protection level.

According to Xiao Ran, she learned of a policy issued by the State Administration of Optoelectronics this year, which is about supporting the development of overseas films and increasing the number of co-productions.

The policy states that in order to help the development of overseas films and support the construction of overseas film industries, all overseas films released in China will be promoted by the official media, and the film rating limit scale can also be adjusted appropriately.

It just so happened that "Jurassic Park" was filmed overseas, and overseas capital was also invested in the shares. Xiao Ran indicated this when submitting the materials. As a result, after the rating results came out, "Jurassic Park" was rated as protected. level up.

This means that the audience of the movie has suddenly increased a group of young audiences aged 6-12, which will be the main force in the movie market in the future!
After getting the good news, Song Qi didn't waste any time, and immediately contacted the theaters to prepare for the film's release.

However, after the contact, he encountered some resistance.

The theater did not reject his request for cooperation, but the share of the film schedule given was unimaginably low.

After asking several theaters in a row and getting similar answers, Song Qi understood.

Someone must be doing something behind this.

And the identity of the person responsible is not difficult to guess, except for Eternal Pictures, there is no second possibility.

This is really short memory!

(End of this chapter)

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