Chapter 60
Bryan is a prospective college student in Lengdun City, Principality of Europa. He has just finished his college entrance examination. After entering the university, he has the first mobile phone in his life.

Instead of having to face the heavy workload of high school, he began to enjoy himself in the Internet.

His chat software is hung on his mobile phone all day long. As soon as he wakes up, he chats with his friends in the group, very happy.

The group often reposts some boring things, such as texts such as if you don’t repost ten groups after seeing it, you will be unlucky. Every time Brian sees it, he will repost it as he said.

After all, some things are difficult to explain with science, and it is better to believe what is there or not to believe what is not.

Sometimes the group will share some weird articles and videos, such as the world's top ten unsolved mysteries, the world's top ten beasts, the ranking of the scariest movies, etc.

Although he was very afraid of these mysterious things, he still couldn't help but click in to see them every time.

A few days ago, he just read an article on the ranking of the scariest movies. Out of curiosity, he went to see a movie "Extreme Cold" from the Great Xia Kingdom. After watching it, he dared not go to the bathroom for several days, for fear Some monster sucked her out of the toilet.

One day, he was in the water group, and suddenly another group member sent a link to an article into the group, and said excitedly: "Look! This news has gone crazy abroad! The whole network is banned! Don't read it anymore It's gone!"

Seeing this link and the group friends' words, Brian's curiosity was aroused again.

Could it be another scary moving picture?
This guy sent it once last time, so he can't be fooled again.

But what if he's telling the truth?It's gone if you don't look at it!

Driven by curiosity, he still clicked on the link, and that link was a piece of news.

There is a slightly blurred photo at the top, which is a river illuminated by moonlight. On the surface of the river, there is a black shadow that meanders and swings herringbone waves on the surface of the river.

Isn't it just a water snake?What's so strange?

Brian recognized the appearance of the black shadow and couldn't help complaining, but the next moment, he noticed the boats at the pier by the river.

He sat up straight away, staring at the photo with wide eyes.

Are these boats real boats or toy boats?
If it is a real ship, then this snake is too big!
He quickly looked at the text introduction below, and only then did he realize that this was a sighting of a giant snake in the Gango Province of Afei.

Local residents witnessed a huge king cobra, two meters in diameter and more than 40 meters in length, far exceeding any snake known in the world.

In the local myths and legends, there is a demon god Apepu whose image is a giant snake!
real or fake?

Brian's mouth fell open, surprised.

Could it be that the aura is about to recover, as written in the Daxia Kingdom online novel?

He was about to continue browsing, but when the page was refreshed, it suddenly changed to an interface where the content had been deleted.

It was really deleted!
Brian instantly dispelled his doubts, it really is true!
Demon god Apep appears!Reiki is about to recover!
He jumped up directly from the bed, and practiced a set of Tai Chi of the Great Xia Kingdom that he had learned in a hobby class when he was a child, but there was no warm air in his body.

Is this boxing technique fake?
He sat back with some disappointment, picked up his phone and entered the group, and the news in the group had exploded, and everyone was chatting about the news that had suddenly disappeared.

"Is this true? Oh my God! It's just horrible!"

"I only saw half of it, and the news was deleted. What is the content behind?"

"I took a screenshot, and I'll post it here."

"I knew that there are some things in this world that cannot be explained by science!"

"The rainforest in Gango Province has existed for millions of years, and it is not surprising that there are snakes this large."

"My God! In this way, the list of the world's top ten terrifying creatures should be updated. Where do you think Apep can be ranked?"

"If you don't blow it, you won't be black, sea monster yyds, a tentacle can kill this giant snake."

"Didn't you read the introduction in the article? Legend has it that Apep can spray flames, and even a torpedo can kill a sea monster. Apep can kill a sea monster with a mouthful of phlegm!"

"Be clear, the sea monster is fictional in the movie, but this giant snake is real!"

"Great white sharks are also real. In the sea, great white sharks are invincible! Does this freshwater snake dare to go into the sea? When it reaches the sea, it doesn't even need the great white shark to move its mouth, and the sea water will kill it!"

The news in the group quickly became distorted, and similar situations are happening all over the world.

The Principality of Europa, the Freedom Federation, the Inca Republic, the Great Xia Kingdom... More and more people have seen this news and their curiosity has been aroused.

Some people suspected that the news was fake, so they went to the search site of Afeiguo to search it, and found that the news was true!

As the news spread more and more widely, media from various countries also came to Gango Province. The sighting incident was also posted on the news channels of various countries and was seen by more people.

Just as the public opinion was raging, a company called Miracle Film and Television slowly showed up and released a statement to refute the rumors.

The statement stated that the sighting was actually an oolong.

Miracle Films and Television is filming a movie called "Snake God Apep". The witnessing incident that day was actually an uninformed crowd who entered the filming set by mistake and saw the props used in the filming, resulting in a misunderstanding.

After this statement came out, people from all over the world suddenly realized that it was an oolong incident.

The media of various countries also began to dispel rumors. In order to explain the situation clearly, the media of various countries reported the situation of Miracle Film and Television in detail.

Only then did people from all over the world know that Miracle Film and Television is a newly established film and television company in the Great Xia Kingdom. Director of the "Snake God Apep".

Overnight, countless people remembered the name of Miracle Film and Television, and Miracle Film and Television has also leapt from a small unknown film company to a well-known film and television company.

Immediately afterwards, the propaganda work of various countries started together, online and offline at the same time, and the overwhelming publicity began.

Song Qi signed sharing contracts with theaters in various countries. Although the major theaters do not need to pay for the broadcasting rights, they are also responsible for the cost of publicity.

However, the cinema side also obtained more share ratios, which was agreed in advance by both parties.

The theaters can share 85% of the movie's overseas box office, which includes all promotion and screening costs.

As an investor, Najito can get 10% of the box office, and the remaining 5% is the share of Miracle Film and Television.

Although it is only 5%, Miracle Film and Television has never spent a penny from the beginning to the end, which is tantamount to pure profit.

Afei has also started the promotion of "Snake God Apep". As the place where the incident took place, the domestic propaganda effect of Afei is much stronger than that of foreign countries.

Almost all Afi people know about this movie. Some people think that they have been teased and criticize this movie. The movie has aroused great interest, and I look forward to it, and I want to see this movie sooner.

But there are still some people who still believe in the sightings, thinking that the giant snake Apep has really appeared, and the official rumors are just to deceive people.

But these people are only a minority.

Under the uproar of publicity, the time soon came to the evening of June [-]th in Afei Country time.

"Snake God Apep" will be screened simultaneously around the world in the early hours of tonight!

Tomorrow is the annual Flood Festival. As usual, various celebrations will be held tonight to celebrate the festival.

This year, there were a lot of people on the streets of Afei country, but they were not participating in the celebration, but queuing up.

The line seemed endless, and at the forefront of the line were the major cinemas in Afei.

Many people brought little horses, some even brought beds, and they all came to line up to buy tickets for the "Snake God Apep" movie.

Since the pre-sale of "Snake God Apep" started a week ago, the tickets in theaters all over the country have been sold out.

But in front of a crowd of spectators, counting votes is like a drop in the bucket.

The theater has no choice but to increase the number of shows as much as possible, and temporarily increase many standing tickets.

But even standing tickets are hard to come by.

The ticket gates of every theater are full of people, and once a ticket is released, it will be sold out within a few minutes.

The gates of the theaters are full of ticket sellers, selling movie tickets.

Under their hype, a standing ticket sold for tens of thousands of Affiliate coins, equivalent to more than 100 Huaxia coins.

You must know that in Daxia, there are not many movies sold at this price.

And many ordinary people in the Afi country only earn tens of thousands of Afei coins after working for a month. This movie ticket, or standing ticket, will cost half a month's income.

But even so, many people still bought scalper tickets, just to see "Snake God Apep" earlier.

Time passed, and soon after twelve o'clock, the audience rushed into the theater.

A movie hall with only 500 seats can accommodate [-] people, many of whom are seated with two or three people, and those who are standing are crowded with each other.

Everyone craned their necks and looked at the screen.

The theater lights dimmed and the screen came on.

The movie has started!

(End of this chapter)

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