Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Occlumency

Chapter 88 Occlumency

In the Hogwarts dining room, Mike sat at the Ravenclaw table and yawned boredly.

After winning the game yesterday, Mike originally planned to go to sleep, but Roger and other teammates were full of energy. They went to the Hogwarts kitchen to ask the elves for a lot of food and said they were going to have a party.

As the MVP of the game, Mike could only stay under the kindness of Roger and others.Roger even bought a load of butterbeer from the Weasley brothers, which just made the revelry even crazier.

The result of the all-night party was the collective depression this morning, and Mike was a little bit better, after all, he had strong mental strength and didn't drink too much at the same time.Roger is different. Last night he was the most excited one, but also the most heroic one.No matter who it is, as long as you give him a toast, the wine must be dry, so he is still lying on the bed now, and he probably won't get up until noon.

Compared with Ravenclaw, the Slytherin school team is miserable.

A large number of players injured by Mike almost filled the entire infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was very angry. Recently, the weather has turned cold and many people have started to catch a cold, and now these naughty bears are still rushing to grab the bed. It really doesn't make sense.I heard that she did not hesitate to disturb Dumbledore's rest in the middle of the night yesterday to protest against him, demanding that students be banned from playing the dangerous sport of Quidditch.

Of course, Dumbledore would not agree.

In fact, Madam Pomfrey was sent away only 10 minutes after entering Dumbledore's lounge. When she left, she was so angry that she obviously didn't get the result she wanted.

And according to the classmate who stayed in the infirmary all night because of a cold, the wailing of the Slytherin players lasted the whole night, making him unable to sleep because of the noise, as if Madam Pomfrey was treating them Time to forget to give them painkillers.

Mike's deeds yesterday were spread in Hogwarts after being spread by Lee Jordan, the number one gossip boy in Hogwarts. Everyone is very afraid of Mike, and even gave him a nickname: killer Michael (killer Michael).

Although he was well-known in the Quidditch circle, Mike didn't care much.Mike was used to being famous as early as the first grade. The wizarding world is so boring, and a trivial matter that Mike doesn't seem to be a big deal can be passed on for a long time by others.

What worries him now is the Occlumency thing.

It has been almost two months since he first learned Occlumency in the summer vacation, but he has made no progress in Occlumency, which makes Mike have to doubt whether he has the talent to learn Occlumency.

Because the "Occlumency of Your Brain" stolen from the restricted area clearly stated that Occlumency is a curse that requires a lot of talent. People with talent can learn it quickly, and people without talent can learn it even if they don't. You can't learn it even if you practice it for a lifetime.

As the saying goes, change comes when you are poor, and under tremendous pressure, Mike also began to look for a shortcut to learn Occlumency. It is best to have someone teach you how to learn difficult spells. Reading books is not enough after all, just like It is said in "Occlumency Your Brain", the way to practice Occlumency is to empty your brain.

But the devil knows what it means to let go of the brain, anyway, Mike thinks it is actually a daze.

When thinking of asking for help, Mike thought of the Occlumency master he was most familiar with: Snape.

Of course, it is obviously not feasible to directly go up and ask for the secret of Occlumency, and the matter of practicing Occlumency by myself cannot be leaked.And it's too dangerous to be on the sidelines. Snape is a famous double agent, so there's no need to repeat how vigilant he is.

So, without even eating breakfast, Mike began to manipulate Snape.Mike wanted to infer the correct release method of Occlumency by observing Snape's state. Anyway, Snape was in a state of Occlumency almost all the time.

But this is actually a stupid way, and the possibility of success is very slim.But now Mike really has no other way. He has devoted all his time to the practice of Occlumency, and even abandoned the daily meditation and spell training, but there is no progress.

But Mike Wei's plan was not so smooth.

Snape is actually an otaku. He spends all day not attending classes or studying potions in his office. Mike has very little time to get in touch with him. It is no wonder that Harry's mother abandoned Snape and switched to James. After all, James, who came from a wealthy pure-blood family, is obviously more attractive than his homeboy Snape.

Fortunately, Professor Snape is a very protective person, Mike sent so many Slytherin students to the infirmary, of course Snape will not let Mike go easily.Mike was surprised to find that even if he didn't follow Snape, he would jump out and deduct some points for himself from time to time when he made a small mistake.

So Mike started his own death journey, deliberately making some small mistakes so that Snape could appear in front of him.

After more than ten days of revenge and deducting nearly 200 points from Ravenclaw, Snape was finally satisfied and didn't continue to trouble Mike, and Mike got what he wanted.

For ten days or so, he carefully observed Snape from his words and deeds to his facial expressions at 360 degrees without dead ends, and the conclusions he drew were also very surprising.

Snape's hollow, deep dead fish eyes, his cold and emotionless voice, and his snappy and unhesitating movements.

These reactions are very similar to those hypnotized by hypnotists that Mike had seen on TV programs in his previous life.

Could the secret to Occlumency be self-hypnosis?
Mike himself was stunned when he came to such a conclusion. The secret of Occlumency, which he had studied so hard for so long but found nothing, turned out to be so... simple.

Although I feel that this is very unreliable in my heart, Mike's current situation no longer allows him to hesitate.So that night, Mike started the self-hypnosis experiment.

Something like self-hypnosis may sound esoteric, but it's actually quite simple to apply.Many athletes will self-hypnotize themselves before the game, so that they can get better results.

The specific method is to close your eyes and take deep breaths, and at the same time put aside other thoughts in your mind, and constantly recite the content of hypnosis in your heart. (The author personally tested it to be effective, and it can effectively relieve tension when used in exams.)
Mike was lying on the bed in the dormitory, with his hands crossed on his stomach, and he kept thinking in his heart: "I am a tool person without emotion, I am a tool person without emotion, I am a tool person without..."

PS: I am an emotionless coding machine.Ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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