Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Pride and Prejudice

Chapter 6 Pride and Prejudice

"The textbooks in the wizarding world are just shit!"

After failing to release the petrification spell for the 200th time, Mike threw the book in his hand fiercely.

In the past two days, Mike spent all his time studying those Hogwarts first-year textbooks. Although they were all old books donated by some senior students, Mike’s luck was as good as ever. it `s complete.

There are not many magics that a little wizard in the first grade can learn. Among them, what Mike most wants to learn is the petrification spell.

This magic can make the target lose the ability to resist in an instant, and if the magic level is high enough, it can even turn the target into petrification.

But it turned out that Mike was a little whimsical. He couldn't learn the petrification spell just by reading books. It wasn't because he didn't have enough magic talent, but because the teaching materials in the wizarding world were too scumbag.

These books are like Chinese food recipes, full of quantifiers such as a lot of a little and a moderate amount.But magic is not cooking. You can cook food with a lot of seasoning and at least you can eat it, but magic requires fast and precise movements and spells.Who knows how much the pitch of the voice is raised when chanting a spell?
In fact, this is also understandable.

After all, this is just a textbook written by the British wizarding community for young wizards, and the entire British wizarding community only has a population of tens of thousands.

This is equivalent to a few teachers in a small town in the United States writing several textbooks for the students of their own school. It is no wonder that the quality is high.

Helpless Mike could only choose to ask the customers of the Leaky Cauldron for help.

"Go away, Mudblood! Go back to your mud pit!" A drunken wizard said to the approaching Mike, "It's because of you mudbloods that the entire wizarding world is messed up! "

Hearing the sound, Mike was furious, and stepped forward to knock the wine glass that the wizard raised to his mouth.

"What did you say? You have the ability to say it again!"

The wizard didn't expect Mike to dare to do this. He stretched out his hand wet with wine and pushed Mike to the ground. At the same time, he took out his wand from his pocket with the other hand and pointed it at Mike.

"You filthy Mudblood! How dare you be rude to a noble pure-blood wizard! Put a Fuchsia upside down!"

Mike only felt a huge force pulling his pants and hanging him upside down. The belt couldn't bear the force and broke with a "snap".

Mike's pants came down almost instantly, revealing his red underwear.

Seeing Mike's embarrassed appearance, everyone in the bar burst into laughter.

Listening to the laughter of everyone in the bar, Mike felt that the unprecedented anger was about to overwhelm all his rationality. "Ah!" With Mike's roar, a shock wave emanated from Mike's body and hit all around.

With a loud bang, the Leaky Cauldron was in chaos, and all the tables and chairs around Mike were smashed to pieces.The wizard who had cast a spell on him was embedded in the counter, but there were no injuries.Tom, the bar owner, added an armor for him just now.

"How dare you do that!" Tom walked out from behind the counter angrily. "Take your trash and get the hell out of my bar! Now! You're not welcome here!"

Mike knew that Tom was doing it for his own good. If he stayed here, people from the Ministry of Magic would come to investigate, but he was still not convinced.

He stared at the wizard's face embedded in the counter with cold eyes, and kept this face firmly in his heart.Then he quickly left the Leaky Cauldron without saying a word.

After Tom saw Mike leave, he ordered the waiter to throw Mike's luggage out, and then squatted in front of the pure-blood wizard to check his injuries.

On the other side, Mike didn't go far. At this time, he was hiding outside the door of the Leaky Cauldron, waiting for someone.

He Mike can't bear such grievances!
The shock wave just now broke the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron, which cannot be repaired by the Restoration Curse, so the customers in the bar who want to leave tonight can only go to Diagon Alley to find other fireplaces, or directly apparate .Looking at the wizard who was slowly getting up, Mike felt that he would never use such an advanced spell in this state.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the pure-blood wizard has not left. He is still bragging in the bar about how many Muggle wizards he has bullied, and how good those Muggle-born witches are.Finally, until the bar closed, the pure-blood wizard stumbled out of the bar.

Mike hid himself in the night and followed the wizard in front.

The wizard seemed to be too drunk and lost the ability to cast spells. Instead of going to the fireplace, he wandered aimlessly in Diagon Alley, and finally fell asleep in front of a shop.

He couldn't wake up from this sleep, and Mike tied him to a big rock and threw him into a big river beside Diagon Alley before the effect of his magic burst had passed.

By the river, "Pure blood? Huh." Mike threw the money bag found from the wizard in his hand, with a relaxed expression. In his pocket, there were two magic wands lying quietly.

In fact, being kicked out of the Leaky Cauldron had little effect on Mike, and that night he got a room in a hotel near the Leaky Cauldron that was willing to entertain him.As for learning magic, with the wand contributed by the pure-blood wizard, Mike can now learn magic at will.

Since the wizard who wrote the textbook was not familiar with the use of quantifiers, Mike could only use the method of elimination to find the correct casting posture.

And Lucky Mike is indeed a man of great luck. After trying less than 100 times, he found all the petrified spellcasting skills, thus mastering this spell.

As for the pure-blood wizard, his wand is engraved with the crest of the Pure-Blood 28 family - House Bock.

Mike doesn't care about this, what a joke, the old man surnamed Bok will be eaten by reasonable fish and shrimps to the bone in two months at the latest, and the Bok family can't find out that he is only 11 years old child.

Mike has always felt that he is a very tolerant person, and he can let go of any grudges as long as he pays the right price, and Mike thinks that the pure-blood wizard used his life and wand as the price is enough.

As for the Bork family, Mike didn't intend to take revenge, and they could even cooperate if they had the opportunity in the future.

After all, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

More than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

For more than half a month, Mike has been studying the magic in books, and the sky paid off, and he finally let him master a few commonly used simple magic.

At this time, he was dragging a big box on the way to King's Cross Station in England. As he mastered more and more magic, he became more eager for magic, and he couldn't wait to learn more powerful magic at Hogwarts. It's magic.

Ignoring the strange gazes of people around him looking at him, he walked towards the nine-quarter platform, where a magical door was waiting for him to open.

And in front of that door, Harry Potter was talking with a group of people with red hair.

(End of this chapter)

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