Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 31 Mike's Plan

Chapter 31 Mike's Plan

The next day, when Mike opened his eyes, what caught his eyes was the photo of himself and his family in the Mirror of Erised. He slept in this abandoned classroom last night.

After a night of thinking, he had already guessed that last night's experience should have been designed, from the time he came out of the Room of Response to the secret passage he used to suddenly lead to this abandoned classroom.There is only one person capable of doing this, and that is Dumbledore.

Mike could roughly guess the reason why Dumbledore did this, it was nothing more than to test his own character.

Mike has noticed Dumbledore's dissatisfaction with him since the first time they met. In fact, this test has not come until now, which is a bit beyond Mike's expectation. He originally thought that Dumbledore would talk to him soon after he entered school. of.

However, Dumbledore did not show up last night, and it seemed that he had passed the test.

Mike walked out of the classroom facing the dazzling sunlight outside the classroom. After what happened last night, he already understood what he wanted most. He wanted to go home!
In the next few days, Mike worked harder to learn magic. If he wants to go home, he must have strong strength.

After the battle with the troll, Mike also had a clearer understanding of his combat effectiveness.He is now probably on par with the students in grades 6 and 7 in terms of combat effectiveness alone, but when it comes to the amount of magic he has mastered and his understanding of magic, Mike is not even as good as students in grades 3 and 4.

What I want to mention here is that the teaching mode of Hogwarts is quite strange. The little wizards in the first and second grades are almost free-range. What they learn are some of the most basic things in the wizarding world.But this is also understandable, after all, it is to take care of the little Muggle-born wizard.

From the third grade, you can choose elective courses, and Hogwarts began to really educate little wizards about magic.It can be said that this is the first crossroads in the life of young wizards. The elective courses you choose will have a great impact on your future.At the same time, the study pressure of the students began to increase from the third grade.

From the third grade to the end of the fourth grade, the study pressure will increase year by year during the two years, because at the end of the fourth grade, they will face the first wizard level exam, OWLs exam.

After the OWLs exam, students have to choose NEWTs courses according to their grades. The OWLs exam is like a college entrance examination, and the NEWTs courses that can be chosen after the exam are like university courses.

Many NEWTs courses have their own score lines, and popular subjects like potions and spells will have very high score lines, but if you study these courses, it will have a great impact on your future employment and your strength help.

Students with extremely poor exams can only choose some low-demand courses like Muggle studies to study, but after graduation, they will face the problem of graduating and being unemployed, unless you have a mine at home.

Hogwarts students have been divided into two groups since the fifth grade, one is students who have studied difficult courses like potions, and the other is those who have taken garbage courses.

The former has endless homework and books to read every day. Although the latter is more difficult than the first and second grades, it is not even as hard as the third and fourth grades. It can be said that it is very easy.

Finally, there is the NEWTs exam, which is the highest academic certificate that Hogwarts can give, and it is also the most valuable academic certificate in Europe for hundreds of years.Whether it is employment or marriage after graduation, people will use your NEWTs results and subjects as the standard.If your grades are good enough, even if you are a Muggle wizard, you can live very well in the wizarding world.

But in contrast, the study pressure of the sixth and seventh grade graduates is unimaginable.In the original book, Hermione used the Time Turner to take all the elective courses in the third grade, which caused her lack of energy, but this kind of learning intensity can be said to be the normal state of the sixth and seventh grade students.

So on the Hogwarts campus, almost all the senior wizards you see look hurried, and they rarely participate in recreational activities like Quidditch games.Not because they don't like entertainment, but because they are too busy.

But fortunately, the result of hard study is the rapid growth of strength. The level and number of spells mastered by students in the sixth and seventh grades are no less than that of most adult wizards, so Mike's combat effectiveness at this time is really strong. .

You must know that Mike still has regular attack spells such as armor protection and weapons to remove you. The reason why his combat effectiveness is so high is largely due to his previous combat experience.

Attacking with a wand is like shooting a pistol, requiring very high accuracy.Many wizards have low combat effectiveness because their range is too short, and they can't hit you if you are far away from them.However, Mike was a sharpshooter in his previous life, and shooting was as simple as drinking water for him.

And Mike also has the blessing of emotional spellcasting skills and magic power control skills. The magic he emits far exceeds that of wizards with the same level of magic power as him.

At present, what Mike has to do besides learning new magic is to improve his magic perception and magic control. The higher Mike's magic control ability, the stronger his magic.

But a lot of magic is too difficult when you just read books. It’s not that Mike has no talent, but that the teaching materials in the wizarding world are too bad. You can’t learn the above magic just by reading the teaching materials. become.Only those other people's private notes have real learning value.

Mike also asked Professor Flitwick for advice, but Professor Flitwick saw that Mike was asking him for high-level spells and advised him not to aim too high, and just master the spells he learned now. Mike strongly doubts It was Dumbledore who had hinted to the little old man.

Thinking of this, Mike couldn't help clenching his teeth, Dumbledore is a very bad old bee!

But Mike is not completely helpless, there must be a place where there must be detailed casting methods for those advanced spells, and even hidden release methods for the Unforgivable Curse, that is the restricted area.

The purpose of him asking Penelope to help him with the illusion spell is to enter the restricted area. Dumbledore will leave Hogwarts during the final exam of the first year, which is the best chance for Mike to enter the restricted area .

As for the forbidden Mike in the restricted area, there is also its own solution.

Since the last time he fought the troll, Mike felt that his magic power perception ability had soared a lot, and now Mike could vaguely perceive the magic power outside his body.

After discovering this, Mike immediately went to the library, and as expected, Mike sensed the existence of magic before the entrance to the restricted area.That is the magical power that runs across the wall like infrared rays. Although these threads are intertwined to form a net, it is not impossible for Mike to enter.

Now it depends on whether Penello can get the Disillusionment Curse. If Penello can't get it before Christmas, Mike may not have time to learn this complicated spell.Then he would risk asking Harry to borrow the Invisibility Cloak.

(End of this chapter)

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