Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Follow-up to the restaurant incident

Chapter 11 Follow-up to the restaurant incident
Professor McGonagall announced the final penalty. Slytherin deducted 100 points, and Drake was locked up for 15 days in Professor McGonagall's office.Mike is closed for one day, and the location is Professor Flitwick's office.

The confinement time is from after dinner to midnight every day.

This kind of punishment can be said to be very serious, especially for Draco.

I was fined for 15 days of being locked up, not to mention that Slytherin House was also deducted 100 points. You must know that Slytherin has won the House Cup for several years in a row in recent years. What Draco did made Slytherin Leitling has little hope of winning the trophy here this year.

And Professor Snape didn't react when he saw that Slytherin was deducted points, but Mike was not surprised. Snape, as Dumbledore's confidant, must know that this year's Academy Cup has been reserved for Gryffindor by default.

Mike was very satisfied with this result. He was only locked up for one day, and he was still in Professor Flitwick's office. This was simply a reward for him. He could ask Professor Flitwick for advice all night. hapiness.

Driven by the prefects, the crowd that had gathered in the restaurant to watch the excitement dispersed, and Mike and Draco were also brought back by their respective deans.

But the difference was that Draco followed Snape with bad luck written all over his face, as if he had eaten something disgusting.Mike struttingly walked half a step behind Flitwick's side. Many good people around him were applauding at Mike. Most of these people were of Muggle origin or mixed blood. They had long seen those pure-blood nobles very unhappy. up.

"I'm sorry, Mike." Professor Flitwick looked at Mike apologetically, "I just promised you."

"It doesn't matter professor, I can protect myself, my petrification spell is not vegetarian." Mike raised the wand in his hand.

"Hahaha." Professor Flitwick was amused by Mike's actions, "That's right, your petrification spell is indeed the best I've ever seen in a freshman. But facing such a person, I personally prefer to use the Fire Curse. Forget that you don't know the Flame Curse yet, it doesn't matter, I can hand it to you tonight."

Mike was not very happy when he heard the sound. He had read about the Fire Curse in Ravenclaw's library. This is not a very difficult spell, nor is it very powerful. .But he still had to look happy.

The two returned to the Ravenclaw lounge talking and laughing along the way, and at this time the news that Mike defeated Malfoy with a petrification spell in the restaurant had already reached the ears of these students, and they gathered around to ask the details of the matter .

After Flitwick and Mike explained with the students for a long time, everyone returned to their original seats and continued to read books. Professor Flitwick also returned to his office.

At this moment, a burly black boy came forward and said excitedly, "You did a great job! I've been annoyed by those pure-bloods, those blood-discriminators!"

Mike remembered this guy, his name was Franklin Clinton, he was also of Muggle origin, and he was the tallest among their freshmen. Mike didn't understand him joining Ravenclaw. According to his size, Gryffindor It should be his home. "Thank you, Franklin, this is what I should do, and these pure-blooded trash should receive the punishment they deserve."

Franklin wasn't surprised that Mike remembered his name, and he knew his size would draw him a lot of attention.

"That's right! I'm sure you're my friend! Next time something like this happens, definitely call me. I'll beat them up!" Franklin said.

"Of course, we so-called mudbloods have to unite with each other to fight against those blood-discriminators." Mike thinks the name is very interesting for black Americans, and maybe he can win him over, "Hey, you know. I saw your At a glance, we feel that we are very destined! We will be friends from now on, just come to me if you have anything to do, and I will do my best to help you."

Franklin was overjoyed. The black guy hadn't had a good time in the past few days. Everyone was reluctant to get too close to him because of his size. Mike was the first person who was willing to be friends with him.

It took another spiel for Mike to dismiss Franklin, who was still full of ideas. The kid was so excited.

Mike, who got rid of Franklin, was about to go to the kitchen to find something to eat. He had a fight with Draco just halfway through the meal, and now it was past the time for the restaurant to serve food, so he had to go to the kitchen to trouble those elves.

Just as he walked out of the Ravenclaw lounge, he found that the Salvation Trio had been waiting at the door of the Ravenclaw lounge early. Seeing him coming out, Harry and Ron hurried forward.

"You did a great job! See what Draco looks like? His expression at the end is like eating earwax-flavored Bibi Beans." Harry and Ron said one word to another, " That's right, Professor Mike explained the meaning of Mudblood to us, and he really deserves it!"

Mike fiddled with them casually, and he noticed Hermione in the far corner.

Hermione's eyes were still red, and she stood there with her head down, holding a paper bag in her arms, looking very aggrieved.

Mike noticed that the paper bag should contain food, and the oil stains had soaked into the surface of the paper bag.

"Hey, Hermione! Did you bring this to me? Thank you so much, I'm hungry." Mike could see that Hermione blamed himself for his detention, and said so deliberately.

"I noticed that you didn't seem to have finished your lunch." Hermione handed the paper bag to Mike, "It's all my fault, you were put in detention because of me."

Hermione started crying again while talking, and Mike hurriedly comforted: "It's okay, Hermione, aren't we friends? Malfoy came after me this time, and I got you in trouble. It seems that it is not locked up at all, you must know that Professor Flitwick is an expert in Charms, and locked up in his office is what I wish for."

"Really, don't lie to me." Hermione slowly stopped her tears when she heard the sound. Mike was one of her few friends, and the Gryffindor students didn't like her very much. Conformist nerd.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about it at all, you know we are friends, aren't we?" Mike was already hungry, and quickly opened the paper bag, "Oh! Sausage and chicken legs! My favorite! Thank you so much You Hermione."

Hermione lowered her head once to hide her shyness.

Mike didn't care about Hermione's actions. In his opinion, Hermione and Harry Ron were all little kids, even his son and daughter were younger.

"I'm still a sensible girl." Mike sighed in his heart.

Harry and Ron only cared about how handsome he was in the restaurant just now, and only Hermione noticed that he hadn't finished his meal, which reminded him of his daughter in the previous life: Trish.

Once upon a time, Cui Xi was such a filial and sensible girl. It's a pity that she somehow wanted to make that kind of film. It's really unfortunate for the family.

 Spoiler alert, the character of Franklin Clinton will be a major supporting role.

  I believe some friends should be able to tell from his name.

(End of this chapter)

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