Archaeologists at Hogwarts

Chapter 93 Sudden Battle

Chapter 93 Sudden Battle

After learning the fact that the two met, Hermione and Ron began to retreat quietly in tacit understanding, but they were blocked by two small shovels thrown at them.

Toby clapped his hands up and down and said: "Then you should really go to Principal Dumbledore, who allowed me to stay in the Forbidden Forest for archaeology. And I did find a lot of wealth in the process, although the legacy of the missing person is not A lot, but at least it proves that archaeology in the Forbidden Forest is a good decision, and it can also help the school complete the student list or something."

Professor Highmore was talking about the students who disappeared in the Forbidden Forest again - Hermione and Ron thought sadly, always thinking that they might be one of them.

Ronan didn't speak, he turned his head to look at a scorched leaf, his eyes became more melancholy - it was caused by the Spark Curse just now, which scorched the leaf.

"It was just an accident." Toby said, "In my eyes, the Forbidden Forest is a wonderful archaeological site, so why would I have the heart to destroy it. Tonight was just a mistake made while teaching the students—"

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Hermione and Ron: "I hope that the scare tonight will make you behave and be sensible in the future, and don't cause any more trouble."

The two nodded their heads like chickens pecking rice, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you on patrol?" Toby asked Ronan, "Have you caught the murderer who killed the animals in the forest?"

Hermione and Ron immediately strained their ears—Professor Highmore's question was related to the reason they appeared in the Forbidden Forest, which was to bury the dead animals.

Ronan didn't answer right away.He stared upward without blinking, then sighed.

"It's always the innocent who suffer first," he said. "It's been that way for hundreds of years, and it's still going on."

"Yes." Toby said perfunctorily: "I said, you centaurs have lived in the Forbidden Forest for so long, have you found any clues about the murderer?"

Ronan looked up at the starry sky: "Mars is very bright tonight."

Mars?Mars again?
Toby remembered that the tall House behind the Mason Gate mentioned Mars, when he said the exact words: "Mars is bright tonight. It will remain bright for the foreseeable future."

"Anything else?" Toby asked interestedly, trying to extract more clues from Ronan: "Anything else?"

Ronan acted as if he didn't hear what he said, but just repeated: "Mars is very bright tonight, very bright."

After Toby asked several times, Ronan said one more sentence: "There are many secrets hidden in the Forbidden Forest."

"Okay, okay." Toby knew the temperament of the centaurs well. They were the magical creatures that were least willing to contact wizards, let alone help wizards.

"As long as you are still patrolling, I don't want to be inexplicably attacked during the archeology someday."

Toby asked the two to pick up the small shovel, and they bypassed the silent Ronan, and when they were about to continue walking into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, Ronan suddenly said: "Baine is also patrolling the other side of the Forbidden Forest." .”

Toby glanced back at him without stopping.

The two people behind him exchanged glances, and Ron boldly asked, "Professor, who is Bane?"

Toby stepped over a fallen tree trunk, and said, "Bain is also a centaur, but he has a bad temper. According to Ronan, it is estimated that Al will meet him soon."

"This is not very good. We had some unpleasant troubles before. Bane's belief in guarding the Forbidden Forest is very firm, and he is also a little radical. He once said harsh words to Al-it's time to speed up, children, in case Al It would be bad to hit hard."

He looked back at the two of them with shocked faces.

"You certainly don't want to collect the body for the centaur."

Hermione and Ron didn't know what to say at all, and they ran subconsciously—it seemed that under Professor Highmore's consideration, Mr. Al would definitely not lose.

And Harry, couldn't he encounter something more terrifying than the devil's pursuit?
Unfortunately, their prayers failed to save Harry.

In the bushes on the other side of the Forbidden Forest, Harry and Malfoy were on their way exhaustedly. From time to time, Al would yell somewhere in front of him to let them know where to go, but he refused to let them rest .

Both of them knew this well. This was obviously Mr. Al's punishment for their previous attempt to fight, and they didn't dare to speak out to resist, lest they be hit on the head with a small shovel again, which would be uncomfortable.

Where the three walked was dense bushes, which was nothing to the small Al, but Harry and Malfoy had suffered a lot, and they had given up sweeping a path with their shovels , There is not much strength left in the whole body.


Harry heard Mr. Al's call again, and he stared at the fallen tree trunk in front of him with a sad face. The only way to get over it was to climb up to it.

Just when Harry was hugging the tree trunk, he suddenly heard a "swoosh", a sharp arrow passed his face, and shot straight at Al on the bush in front of him.


Al picked up the small shovel and blocked it in front of him, then swung it again, sending the sharp arrow flying and nailing it to Malfoy on the other side of the tree trunk.


Malfoy cried out in horror.

Harry saw a centaur coming out of the woods on the right, dark-haired, dark-bodied, and looking a bit brutish.He was holding a curved bow and arrow in the opponent's hand, and it seemed that this was the person who attacked Mr. Al.


Al jumped onto the flying carpet, angrily angrily denouncing the opponent's sneak attack.

The centaur Bane looked even angrier than Al, he roared angrily: "This is not the place you should come, Xixiu, you are not allowed to take a step closer to our tribe!"


Al pointed in a direction to Malfoy and Harry, which seemed to indicate where they were going to go.Then it flew towards Bane aggressively, and took out a bunch of weird things from its belly pocket-screaming rag dolls, blood-stained table knives, candles shrouded in mist, and even a whole skull.

Al put the skull on his head, and the skull's mouth suddenly grinned up and down, making a penetrating clicking sound.

Bane drew his bow again and pointed his sharp arrow at the screaming rag doll, but was split open by the other party with a blood-stained table knife. Its laughter was scarier than that of a skull.

Harry watched as Mr. Al fought with Bain just like that. Malfoy was frightened by the previous sharp arrow, and ran away screaming. Harry also quickly turned over the tree trunk without looking back. ran away.

It all happened so fast that Harry didn't have time to think - what the hell was going on?Why did Mr. Al suddenly fight with the centaur?

He was running wildly in the dark, separated from Malfoy long ago, and also lost his original direction.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the darkness, Harry subconsciously stopped, his eyes widened in horror——

A hooded figure flashed out of the shadows, crawling slowly on the ground like an approaching beast.

The figure held a dead fox in his hand, but he obviously found a more interesting prey than the fox——

He saw Harry and floated slowly towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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