Archaeologists at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Quirrell's Plan

Chapter 42 Quirrell's Plan

Quirrell hadn't been very good lately, living in fear and humiliation.

The humiliation stemmed from the ridicule of the students. They did not regard Quirrell as a serious professor at all. Coupled with the strange smell that Quirrell always had on him, they completely ignored the course of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Haimer's attitude was completely different.

But the humiliation was nothing compared to the fear.

Voldemort is still tightly controlling him, and Quirrell has gradually regretted it. He thought about resisting, but he has neither the ability nor the courage to fight Voldemort.

Voldemort had been possessed for too long, and Quirrell was already terminally ill.

The only good news is that the latest Toby does not have to trouble him from time to time.

The bad part was that Snape seemed to have his eye on him.

Quirrell hoped that this was just his own illusion, because Voldemort was urging him to take the Philosopher's Stone again, and Quirrell did not dare to disobey Voldemort's orders.

He could feel that since he drank the potion his master had taught him, Voldemort seemed to be gradually regaining his strength, and he didn't need to drink unicorn blood.

But Quirrell became uncontrollably thinner.

He'd asked Voldemort what the hell was going on, but each time he'd gotten the same answer—

"Steal the Philosopher's Stone. You'll be back to normal. That's our common antidote."

The potion had already been drunk into Quirrell's stomach, and he had no choice—he had to hurry up and steal the Philosopher's Stone.

He knew that the Philosopher's Stone was hidden in the deepest part of the room at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, and that many professors had set up mechanisms to protect the Philosopher's Stone, including his own.

But other than that, Quirrell doesn't know exactly what the traps set up by other professors are, which makes his hope of stealing the Philosopher's Stone slim.

At the very least, he must have the time and opportunity to study those institutions.

Under Voldemort's increasingly pressing urging, Quirrell had to choose a time--the dinner party on the eve of Halloween, which is a day for all teachers and students in the school to celebrate, and it is an excellent opportunity to start.

Students will definitely go to the dinner, but not necessarily the professors.Quirrell knew that he needed to distract all the professors and use something to attract their attention—the existence that threatened the safety of students was the best answer. Once the safety of students could not be ensured, the professors' priority The task is to deal with the threat, which will draw them all away, and Quirrell will finally have a chance to get close to the room where the Philosopher's Stone is stored.

He has already figured out how to do it, so he uses giant monsters. There are still other giant monsters in the Forbidden Forest, and Quirrell has always been a powerful monster hunter. The troll's people are already extremely dazzling legendary wizards.

Time passed day by day, Harry had already understood the rules of Quidditch, and he worked very hard in training, which at least made the players of the same team change a lot about him, and they no longer ignored him because of the point deduction .

Ron failed to learn that wonderful magic circle. He was the only one among the few who was imprisoned for the second time, even Neville was no better than that—it was really strange to say that Ron had gradually discovered that Neville was no longer so stupid, and the number of times he was reprimanded by the professor in class became less and less. He asked Neville the reason, but Neville refused to reveal too much, only saying that it was because he was using his own wand.

But such a simple thing made Ron envious. He is still using Charlie's old wand now, and the unicorn hair is exposed, but he has no money for a new wand, so he can only make ends meet. use.

Fortunately, Hermione had tutored him for a long time, which prevented Ron from being locked up for the third time.Ron was also afraid of this for a long time. The second confinement was not as intense as the first duel, but it became even scarier. Professor Haimer's office was even scarier than the haunted house. After he finally left, Ron was arrested. His legs were so frightened that he said that he should work hard to learn ancient magic, so as not to be locked up again.

In addition, Hermione finally reconciled with Harry and Ron. It's hard to say how much of a beating they had. Anyway, Hermione no longer just hummed at them, and occasionally advised the two to study hard Ancient magic, especially Harry who was in training. Hermione had warned him that he must not slack off in ancient magic classes because of training. Slytherin's Quidditch team is the best example. She But I have seen the horror of Marcus Flint in confinement.

Harry took this very seriously. In fact, he didn't need to think about it this way. Captain Wood would take the initiative to ask about their performance in the ancient magic class. He also heard about what happened to the Slytherin team. Homework mistakes and unable to participate in future training.

Under the shadow of Professor Highmore's horror, the Halloween dinner is finally approaching.

When the afternoon was approaching the evening, Quirrell quietly left the castle again. He had already arranged his mechanism in the room protecting the Philosopher’s Stone—it was also a tall monster, which also made Quirrell know very early on. Knowing the location of trolls in the Forbidden Forest, he didn't need to spend too much effort to catch a troll and put it in the castle to attract the attention of other professors and cover for his sneaking in.

Because he knew the route in advance, Quirrell sneaked into the Forbidden Forest at a very fast speed, and the gradually falling sunset covered his figure perfectly, blending with the surrounding dark trees.

He walked to the end of the path and got into the dense forest. There were almost no paths for people to walk here. It was located in the depths of the forbidden forest.

Quirrell was getting farther and farther away from Hogwarts Castle. He avoided the sharp tree branches and could vaguely see a hill surrounded by woods, which was also where the trolls lived.This time, Quirrell doesn't need to catch the biggest monster, as long as it can pose enough threats to the students.

Hiding in the shadows, he spotted a medium-sized giant monster and planned to lure it with a stone—he was capable of dealing with giant monsters, but he couldn't handle them if there were too many of them.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

A small flying carpet flew out of the woods. The speed of the flying carpet was very fast. Al clenched the small shovel tightly in his hand. The troll found it, but he couldn't catch up with Al's speed at all.

Quirrell thought he was delusional, but in the blink of an eye, all the trolls were seduced away, including the target that Quirrell had spotted long ago.

He felt bad, and only felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity welling up in his heart.

Another figure quietly approached behind Quirrell, covering the sound of footsteps with the crazy roar of the giants.

Quirrell suddenly turned around, and suddenly saw Toby raising a bigger shovel and swinging at him——

"Eat me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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