Archaeologists at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Book Fans

Chapter 17 Book Fans
To be honest, it never occurred to Toby that he would have fans.

Before returning to Hogwarts, he has been living in no fixed place, running around, not to mention spending most of his time on ancient ruins, even if someone really wrote to him, the owl can't find it he.

Usually at those times he was wrestling with an ancient curse.

But just today, Toby actually gained a book fan!
This really surprised him.

He excitedly opened the letter from the book fan, but unfortunately the book fan didn't send him a gift, perhaps because the other party was in a bit of embarrassment.

When the folded parchment was finally pulled out, Toby saw the beautiful handwriting on the paper at a glance. It seemed that his book fan was a well-educated reader, which made Toby even more satisfied.

He raised his eyes and looked at the content——

Dear Mr. To-by-Hy-Mer!
What is the source of the magic circle?Why can't it be passed down? !

Where is the lost city?Which lake bottom is it? !
What about the Egyptian pyramids?What is missing in the middle of writing? !

What about African temples?I still want to read more of Angela's stories, but how can I write without a beginning and an end?What happened to her? !

What about werewolves in the Himalayas?Why didn't he show up again? !
What about the ancient city in the desert? !

What is the mystery between life and death? !

Why does ancient magic have to be bounded by 1379? !
Can you speak clearly? !
Toby flipped the letter over and covered it with a "snap", and cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead.


Book fans are really scary!

Just through words, Toby can imagine the other party's hysteria, and he doesn't want to have such a book fan at all.

At this moment, Toby even wanted to curse the other party in advance, so as not to be approached by the other party.

What method should I use?Do you want to go back to Gringotts again?Which marked bag would be more suitable?
When Toby was struggling, two house elves bowed to him and said, "Sir, your house has been rearranged."

"oh oh."

Looking back, Toby saw that his office had been restored to its original state, and there was no trace of Snape making a fuss.

Before he recovered from the madness of the book fans, he habitually ordered: "Al, pay the bill."

Al was twisting and twisting in front of the mini mirror, dressing himself up. He tilted his head and gave Toby a disgusted look. He reluctantly took out two silver Sickles from his belly pocket. Swapped back the silver Sickles for two bronze Knuts, and tossed them one by one into the hands of the house-elves.

All the house elves were stunned, their eyes gradually filled with tears, and they kept sobbing, "Mr. Highmore is such a good man!"

"We can't ask for the money, sir"

Toby finally realized that he had brought the habit of tipping to Hogwarts.

"You guys should take it." Toby waved his hands and said, and then he coughed twice, and said quietly: "Just say more good things."

The house-elves blinked their eyes wide, and the tears stopped abruptly.

Seeing them like this, Toby immediately ordered again: "Al, keep paying the bill!"

Although they didn't understand what was going on, the two house-elves were still very grateful, and Toby even took the time to ask a question: "What do you think of the book I wrote?"

"But sir, we have not read your book."

"Oh, just say it, okay?"

"You are a professor at Hogwarts, of course the book you wrote is good."

"Eh? Hehehe! Pay the bill! Al! Keep paying!"

When the two house-elves left, their hands were full of bronze Knuts.

Toby's mood finally improved a little bit: "Comfortable."

He snapped his fingers, causing the letter paper and the envelope to burn, and he didn't even dare to read the signature on it, so as not to disturb the good mood he finally recovered.

Al pinched his waist with one hand, pointed at Toby with the other paw, and began to babble non-stop.

Toby vehemently denied, "How can this be called self-deception? House-elves are the last creatures to lie, and besides, it's all my money!"

Al was so angry that the hair on his body changed a different color. He jumped up and grabbed Toby's hair fiercely.

Just as the two guys were fighting, the door of the office was unceremoniously pushed open.

Professor Snape stood outside the door with a livid face, as if he was trying to kill Toby with his eyes.

Toby tilted his neck, and he greeted enthusiastically: "Hey! Severus! I've seen your masterpiece, and over the years, your enthusiasm really hasn't diminished at all—"

"If you say one more word—" Snape didn't just want to kill Toby just by looking at him.

Toby immediately spread his hands: "Okay, okay, what do you want me to do?"

Severus said coldly, "Tonight is the start-of-school dinner", and then walked away unceremoniously.

"School dinner?"

Toby blinked. He was so confused by the letter that he almost forgot about it.

"Sh-Al! I warn you! Stop tugging! Hair is going to fall out!"

At the same time, on the Hogwarts Express, Neville lost Leffe again, but he didn't dare to look for each compartment, and walked back sadly after trying a few compartments. There were still tears on his face.

There was only one vacant seat left in the box, and he carefully sat on the car seat near the edge, next to a little girl with brown hair and front teeth, she was staring straight at a book, Neville could see that It's Ancient Magic by Toby Highmore.

He was very afraid of this little girl. The other person's eyes were not friendly, and she looked domineering.

At this moment, the girl suddenly spoke, startling Neville: "Have you found the toad yet?"

"It's called Raffle." Neville whispered, and quickly shook his head sadly: "No, I can't find it, it always wants to run away from me."

"Okay, okay!" The girl stood up suddenly, and she slammed "Ancient Magic" on the dining table, startling the two people on the opposite side. They didn't understand why she suddenly got angry.

"I'll help you find it!"

The girl said in an undeniable tone.

On the other side, in Harry and Ron's box, Ron was about to cast a spell on Scabbers with Charlie's old wand, when the box door swung open.

"Did any of you see a toad?" she said, in a condescending, defiant tone.

The two shook their heads at the same time: "No, we already said we didn't see it."

"Oh, are you going to cast magic?" She said as she sat on the empty seat to herself: "Then let's keep our eyes open."

Ron was taken aback, and Harry was bewildered.

As a result, after a series of incantations of unknown meaning, the magic fails.

"Is this a real spell?" said the little girl. "It doesn't look very good, does it? I've tried a few spells at home and memorized all the textbooks. As far as I know, Hogwarts It's an excellent wizarding school, with the best professors in every subject, though, obviously, that doesn't include ancient magic—my name is Hermione Granger, and by the way, what's your name name?"

"Ron Weasley," Ron muttered.

"Harry Potter," said Harry, and immediately asked, "What do you mean by ancient magic?"

"You are Harry Potter?" Hermione was surprised: "Then you should be able to understand, the textbooks of that course are incomplete, unlike the standard spells that have second and subsequent levels, the whole The book is not finished at all, it seems to be pieced together."

"It made me so angry that I wrote a letter to the author early in the morning. I really want to know why he insists on torturing people like this."

They chatted briefly for a while, and then Hermione took Neville and left.

Ron said with concern: "It's the first time I've seen a student who dared to question the professor before the start of school. She is really scary."

Harry nodded quietly: "I hope we won't be assigned to the same college as her by then. I don't want to be hostile by the professors at the beginning of school."

"By the way, have you read the book "Ancient Magic"?"

"Of course I've read it. It's a new course. My mother has been frustrated for a long time because she can't buy second-hand books, but Ginny always uses them."

"Perhaps we should take a look ahead and make a good impression on the new professor. Hagrid knows the new professor and is said to be a nice guy."

"You're right."

Five minutes later, the two put down "Ancient Magic" in a daze.

"Why don't you tell me about the various colleges."

"What a coincidence, that's what I thought too."

(End of this chapter)

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